Qualifications.—In the case of Hospital appointments in Bombay,
except those with which teaching duties are combined, the minimum quali-
fication required is the M.S. or M.D. degree of Bombay, but preference
is given to those candidates who have obtained the F.R.C.S. or M.R.C.P.
For special appointment in Ophthalmology, Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery,
Radiology, etc., candidates are required to produce evidence to show that
they possess special proficiency or qualifications suitable for the appoint-
ment. For ordinary appointments the candidates must be graduates of
Bombay or of any other recognised University. When suitable graduates
are not available, Government may, on the recommendation of the Surgeon
General, appoint licentiates to such appointments.

   Duties and tenure of appointment.—Honorary appointments which
carry teaching duties are tenable for 5 years, subject to termination by three
months' notice on either side, the first two years being probationary period.
The tenure of appointments which involve the duties of imparting clinical
instruction only, is three years, terminable by three months' notice on
either side, the first year being the period of probation. Non-teaching
appointments are tenable for two years terminable by one month's notice
on either side, the period of probation being one year.

   Leave.—The Surgeon General with the Government of Bombay is
empowered to grant leave to honorary medical officers without any hono-
rarium up to 6 months and to appoint suitable substitutes during leave
period in such cases.

   Age limit.—Honorary medical officers must ordinarily retire on attain-
ing the age of 55 years. Retired honorary medical officers may be appoint-
ed Consulting Physicians and Surgeons by Government. Such officers are
not ordinarily required to do any duty at the hospital but are accorded all
such general privileges as are granted to members of the medical staff.
Government medical officers may, after retirement, be appointed by Govern-
ment, in special cases and strictly on grounds of merit, as Consulting
Physicians and Surgeons.


   Scope of appointment.—Honorary medical staff is employed in the fol-
lowing institutions:—

      (1) Medical College Hospitals, Calcutta.

      (2) Hospitals attached to the Medical Schools.

      (3) Shambhu Nath Pandit Hospital, Bhowanipore.

   Designations.—In No. 1 the honorary medical officers are designated

      (a) Honorary Clinical Assistants.

      (b) Honorary House Surgeons and Physicians.

      (c) Honorary Surgeons and Physicians.

      (d) Honorary Junior Surgeons and Physicians.

   In No. 2, honorary appointments are styled as Honorary House Sur-
geons and Physicians and Registrars.