Assam Rs. 25 p. m. Rs. 150 Civil Surgeon Registered Medical practitioners to be
Radius of 5
Yes, Epidemic
duty, if required.
Financed by Government. 27 subsidized medical
practitioners to be
Sind Rs. 50 p. m. Rs. 400 President, District Local Board. Appointed by the President, D. L. B.,
in consultation with
the Civil Surgeon
and subject to the
approval of the
Director of Health Services and Inspector General of Prisons.
  Yes Government grant. 40 rural medical practitioners were to
be appointed. This
scheme has proved
Orissa L. M. Ps. Rs. 35
p.m. (North Orissa). Rs.
500 to Rs. 600
p. a. (in South
Rs. 300 Director of Health and Inspector General
of Prisons,
Orissa through
C. Ss. and Chairman of District Boards.
Registered Medical practitioners by
Area Yes Subsidy is paid by
Government and
medicines and instruments are paid for by Local
In addition to eight
subsidized rural dis-
pensaries, in South
Orissa, 4 more such
dispensaries have
since been sanctioned by Government
for North Orissa
which will function
from the next financial year. In the case of these 4 dispensaries, Government will con-
tribute half of the
monthly subsidy
and the other half
plus the cost of
medicines (Rs. 300)
will be paid by the
Local body, concerned.
Delhi No scheme for subsidized practitioners exists.
Rs. 35p. m. plus
Rs. 5 p. m. fixed Travel-
ling Allowance.
Rs. 200 I. G. C. H., N. W. F. P. By selection Radius of 5
No Except for 3 places
where local effort
is made to maintain the subsidized
dispensaries, the
expenditure in all
other cases is wholly defrayed
by Government.
There are 16 subsidized medical prac-
titioners at work, 7
of whom have also been appointed Medical Inspectors of Local Schools on
payment of a further
subsidy of Rs. 10
p. m. each.
Baluchistan. No arrangements for rural medical relief exist.
              A scheme for medical
relief through the
agency of subsidized
medical practitioners is under consideration.