(k) Instruction in the following subjects:—

         (1) Ophthalmology, including refraction and the use of the
         ophthalmoscope; with hospital attendance for a period of
         three months.

         (2) Diseases of the ear, nose and throat, including the use of
         the otoscope, laryngoscope and rhinoscope.

         (3) Radiology and electrc-therapeutics in their application to

         (4) Venereal diseases.

         (5) Orthopaedics.

         (6) Dental diseases.

         (7) Surgical diseases of infancy and childhood.

   Throughout the whole period of study the attention of the student
should be directed by the teachers of this subject to the importance of
its preventive aspects.

   7. Midwifery, Diseases of women, and infant Hygiene including:—

       (a) Courses of systematic instruction in the principles and practice
       of Midwifery, Gynaecology, and Infant Hygiene, including
       applied anatomy and physiology of preganancy and labour.

       (b) Lectures and demonstrations in clinical Midwifery, Gynaecology
       and Infant hygiene and attendance on the practice of a
       maternity hospital or the maternity wards of a general
       hospital, including (a) ante-natal care and (b) the manage-
       ment of the puerperium, and on inpatient and outpatient
       gynaecological practice for a period of at least three months.

       This period should be devoted exclusively to instruction in these
       subjects, and should be subsequent to the medical clinical
       clerkship [Section 5(b)] and the surgical dressership [Section
       6(b)]. Not less than two-thirds of the hours of clinical
       instruction should be given to midwifery, including ante-
       natal care and infant hygiene.

       (c) Of this period of clinical instruction not less than one month
       should be spent as aresident pupil either in a maternity
       hospital or in a hostel attached to a maternity hospital or
       to the maternity wards of a general hospital.

       The student should during this month attend at least twenty
       cases of labour under adequate supervision. Should the