A microscope is an individual article of equipment that should be in the
care of one student during the course of the practical classes. Although
no school attains what I consider the correct standard so far as micros-
copes are concerned, the deficiency of some schools is deplorable. How
can School H with 50 students admitted annually teach pathology with
only 4 microscopes and School I with 115 admissions with only 8 patho-
logical microscopes? School K has only 5 and School L but 2, while School
U has only 3 microscopes for physiology, and Schools X and Y have but
3 and 2 respectively for pathology. These are notable deficiencies."

   4. It will be observed that General Sprawson laid down certain standard
rules and the statement annexed to his notes (Table 'G', pages 150-51)
indicated the extent to which each school conformed with these rules.
The information collected in connection with this Review permits of an
assessment being made as to whether the schools are still deficient in
the numbers of beds and microscopes available for teaching as judged by
the standards prescribed by General Sprawson and this is indicated in the
following table.

School. Total number of students during 1937-38. Annual Entry. Number of beds available for teach-
No. of Micros-
copes avail-
able for
Deficiency or
otherwise according
to General. Spraw
son's formula.
Physiology. Pathology.
    i ii iii
1. Stanley Medical School,
334 66 634 88 1
Conforms to standard
in all respects—i, ii
and iii.
2. Lady Willingdon Medical
School for Women,
86 22 595 26 19 Deficient in ii and iii.
3. B. J. Medical School,
342 60 300 45 38 Deficient in all i, ii
and iii.
4. B. J. Medical School,
286 50
to 60
290 16 9 Deficient in ii and iii.
5. Campbell Medical School,
544 150 717 33 31 Do.
6. Medical School, Dacca. 440 100 261 47 28 Deficient in all.
7. Lytton Medical School,
220 50 124 14 14 Do.
8. Ronaldshay Medical School, Burdwan. 217 60 150 17 23 Do.
9. Chittagong Medical
School, Chittagong.
207 50 116 ( 29 ) Do.
10. Jackson Medical School,
131 25 101 13 12 Do.
11. Medical School, Agra. 282 52 266 41 48 Do.
12. Women's Medical School,
97 25 146 9 7 Deficient in ii and iii.
13. Medical School, Amritsar. 524 100 293 31 35 Deficient in all.
14. Robertson Medical
School, Nagpur.
237 40 222 26* 18 Do.

* For both Physiology and Biology.