School. Total number of
students during
Annual Entry. Number of beds
available for teach-
No. of Micros-
copes avail-
able for
Deficiency or
otherwise according
to General Sprawson's
Physiology. Pathology.
    i ii iii
15. Darbhanga Medical
School, Laheriaserai.
213 44 202 29 19 Deficient in all.
16. Berry White Medical
School Dibrugarh.
200 50 129 7 14 Do.
17. Orissa Medical School,
178 40 215 21 17 Deficient in ii and iii
18. Medical School, Hyder-
abad (Sind.)
112 30 148 17* 7 Do.
19. Missionary Medical School
for Women, Vellore.
63 20 252 ( 46 ) Do.
20. Miraj Christian Medical
School, Miraj.
47 25 420 11 6 Do.
21. National Medical College,
275 50 81 ( 18 ) Deficient in all.
22. Bankura Sammilani Medi-
cal School, Bankura.
197 49 104 ( 16 ) Do.
23. Calcutta Medica1
School, Calcutta.
403 100 166 16 10 Do.
24. National Medical Insti-
tute, Calcutta.
391 100 240 18 16 Do.
25. Women's Christian Medi-
cal College, Ludhiana.
130 30
to 36
260 42 16 Do.
26. The Ludhiana Medical
School for Men, Ludhiana.
68 25 50 8 8 Do.
27. King Edward Hospital
Medical School, Indore.
269 61 198 21 16 Do.

*For both Physiology and Biology.

Admissions in every alternate year.

( ) For both Physiology and Pathology.

   5. Rules regarding failed students.—Rules regarding failed students
in medical schools in the various provinces, except for slight variations,
are more or less the same. They are very lenient towards the final year
students, as such students are allowed to continue till they pass the final
professional examination. In the Bombay Presidency, however, if a
student fails to qualify in the final L. C. P. S. examination in five attempts
his name is removed from the school rolls. In Madras, a student who fails
three or more times at the 1st and 2nd professional examinations, can sub-
sequently appear privately, but if he fails three or more times in the third
and final professional examinations he is required to undergo a clinical
course at the Hospital in order to be eligible to appear again at those
examinations. In the United Provinces each unsuccessful student is
given two chances to appear in the subject or subjects in which he fails.
In case of failure in both the chances, he is required to appear in all the
subjects subsequently. In the Central Provinces the 2nd year students