is made on the merits of candidates and on a territorial basis by a selection
committee appointed by Government. 25 per cent. of the total vacancies
are reserved for Mohammedans and 15 per cent. for depressed classes.
There is no arrangement for the training of women students. Students
from other provinces are admitted but no seats are reserved for them.

    138, 118 and 99 applications were received in 1935, 1936 and 1937 out of
which 16, 14 and 8 respectively were from candidates with I.Sc qualifica-

    Unsuccessful students have to undergo training for another session (six
months) in each subject and to attend special practical classes held for
them. Students who fail in the final year examination have also to do hos-
pital duty besides attending the usual lectures and practical classes.

    For purposes of practical classes students are divided into batches; each
batch consists of 10—12 students.

    Arrangements exist for the training of candidates desirous of qualifying
as compounders and dressers. The opening of a special class for the train-
ing of sanitary assistants is under consideration.

    There is a Library and a Reading Room for students. Football,
hockey, badminton, volley ball and gymnastic are organised under the
auspices of the Athletic Club of the School.


It is a Government institution. It was opened in June 1930.

    The minimum qualification for admission is the Matriculation certificate
granted by a recognised University. The number of applicants during the
years 1935, 1936 and 1937 was 68, 79 and 71 respectively of which 2, 4 and
4 respectively were those who had passed the Intermediate Examination in
Science. Candidates are selected according to their educational qualifica-
tions, but the Superintendent or the Selection Committee, if one is appoint-
ed, has the power to fill up not more than 15 per cent. of the total number
of vacancies with candidates who have special claims for consideration,
special regard being given to the claims of candidates from the depressed
classes. Preference is given to candidates from the Chittagong Division.
25 per cent. of the total number of vacancies are reserved for Mohamme-

    The name of a first year student who fails to pass his annual examina-
tion in February is struck off the rolls, but the 2nd and 3rd year students
are allowed four chances to pass the examination. There is no such res-
triction in the case of students studying in the final year.

    The proportion of teachers and demonstrators to students is the same
as prescribed in the schedule sanctioned by the Government of Bengal.
The number of students working at a time in a practical class is 16 on an
average. Classes for compounders are also held in this School. There is no
students' club. The students use the School Library as their Reading
Room during working hours.