graduated. The expenditure has increased from Rs. 4,500 in the first
year to approximately rupees 2 lakhs now.

    Admission to the school is made on the basis of educational qualifica-
tions. I.Sc. and F.Sc. students are given preference to 1st division
Matriculates with mathematics, and 2nd division Matriculation is the
minimum qualification required for admission. The number of applications
received in 1935, 1936 and 1937 was 100, 156 and 129 respectively. The
number of students with I Sc. qualifications admitted to the school in
1935 and 1937 was 1 and 4 respectively.

    50 per cent. of the seats are reserved for the Punjab province and
two seats for North-West Frontier Province, 1/3 being for non-Christians.
Preference is given to Mohammedans on account of the difficulty they
have to face in studying in Men's schools. Students are admitted on 3
months' probation and if their work is not upto the standard they are
asked to leave the school after that period.

    A failed candidate is given 3 chances to reappear in the examination.
After that he is expected to leave the school.

    The maximum number of students working at a time in practical classes
is 20.

    Arrangements exist for the training of Nurses, Midwives, Nurse-Dais
and Indigenous Dais, and Lady compounders.

    Students are divided into groups under the care of members of the
staff. These groups compete in games. There is a Ranger Company
in connection with the Girls Guides' Association. The students' Reading
Room subscribes to a daily newspaper and other magazines.


    It is a Government institution and was opened in July 1914 with a
view to afford facilities for medical education to the residents of Central
Provinces and Berar.

    The minimum educational qualification required for admission to the
school is matriculation for male students. There is a competitive entrance
examination for all male candidates except graduates and State candi-
dates. Candidates, in order of merit, from amongst the successful ones
are selected for interview and if found suitable are admitted. Women
applicants are called for interview after they have passed a test conducted
by the Director of Public Instruction, Central Provinces, which is of the
matriculation standard, and if found suitable are admitted. Admissions
are limited to about 40 per annum, 20 per cent. of the vacancies being
reserved for women candidates.

    Applications received during 1935, 1936 and 1937 were 175, 235 and 223
respectively. 5, 11 and 20 candidates with I.Sc. qualifications applied
in 1935, 1936 and 1937 respectively.

    First and second year students are given 4 chances to reappear at the
examination in which they fail. Afterwards their names are removed
from the rolls of the school.

    30 students on an average work at a time in a practical class.

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