Formerly tea gardens used to employ Board passed compounders who,
after a certain number of years' garden work, used to be examined by
a Board consisting of the Civil Surgeon, Lakhimpur, and two European
Medical Officers of the tea gardens. Dr. John Berry White, who was one
of the members of the Board, thought that a higher standard of efficiency
in these medical subordinates was necessary. He donated a sum of
Rs. 50,000 with which the Berry White Medical School was started in 1900
for training Licentiates.

    Matriculation is the minimum educational qualification required for
admission to the school. Admission is made on a communal and territorial
basis. With effect from the year 1937 two seats have been sanctioned by
the Local Government for women candidates but no woman candidate
applied for admission.

    The number of applicants who applied for admission to the school in
1935, 1936 and 1937 was 138, 150 and 144 respectively. Out of these
10, 14 and 26 in 1935, 1936 and 1937 respectively possessed I.Sc. quali-

    A first year student who fails at the school test examination shall
automatically be removed from the rolls. He can obtain permission to
have his name retained, but his retention will depend upon the report
of the teachers with regard to his conduct, diligence and regularity of
attendance. Second and third year students are given 4 chances to re-
appear at the examination in which they fail. After the fourth failure
their names are removed from the rolls of the school. A fourth year
failed candidate is retained in the same class until he passes.

    The number of students working at a time in a practical class is 30
to 50 in Anatomy and Chemistry and 10 to 16 in Physics, Pathology and

    Arrangements exist for the training of compounders. The period of
training is 2 years. A Dhai class also exists in the School. The duration
of the course of training for this class is 12 months.

    The school has a separate Common Room which is used both as a
Reading Room and a Club. The "Berry White Medical School Journal"
is published quarterly by the staff and students but during 1936-37 only
one issue was published.


    It is a Government institution and was established in 1875 under the
auspices of Sir Richard Temple the then Lieut.-Governor of Bengal, Mr.