(ii) Composition of Councils.

   The Acts provide for the constitution of Nurses and Midwives Councils
in the provinces. The composition of the councils is shown in the table
below. The term of office of members other than ex-officio members is
3 years in the case of Madras, Bengal, United Provinces, Punjab and
Bihar, while Bombay and Central Provinces provide that members of the
Councils other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a period of 5
years, or such less period as Government may prescribe in this behalf.

Table showing composition of Nurses and Midwives Councils.

Province. Nominated
Nominated Members. Elected Members. Total.
Others. Medical
Madras . . . Surgeon General 5 . . . 2 . . . 7 . . . 14
Bombay . . . Do. . . . 6 4 . . . 2 8 . . . 21
Bengal . . . To be appointed
by the Local
5 4 2 2 3 . . . 17
United Pro-
I. G. C. H. 5 3 1 2 4 2 18
Punjab . . . Do.. . . 5 1 13 . . . 3 . . . 23
Central Pro-
Do. . . . 9 3 2 . . . . . . . . . 15
Bihar. .. Do. . . . 7 2 3 . . . 2 . . . 15

The figures for 'Nominated Members' include 'ex-officio' members.

(iii) Appointment of Registrars.

   The Councils have the power to appoint a Registrar, some with and
others without the previous sanction of the Local Government. The
Registrar acts as Secretary to the Council and in some cases as Treasurer
as well. The Acts do not lay down any specific qualifications for the
Registrar, but nurses themselves consider that the Registrar should be a
fully qualified and experienced nurse and midwife. The Bengal Nurses
and Midwives Council was the first to appoint a Nurse-Registrar and the
Punjab Nurses and Midwives Council has consented to a similar measure,
but the post has not yet been filled. The Madras Nurses and Midwives
Council is not opposed to a Nurse Registrar but the financial position
does not allow such an appointment to be made.

(iv) Constitution of Registers.

   All Nurses and Midwives Councils are required to maintain a register
of Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors, etc., and from time to time revise
the register and publish it in the prescribed manner.