Bengal and United Provinces—

   The Council is authorised to make orders for regulating the formation,
maintenance and publication of registers of nurses, midwives, assistant
midwives and health visitors according to their respective. qualifications.
The registers will be kept in such form or forms as may be prescribed.

   Punjab and Bihar—

   The Registrar is required to maintain registers showing the name and
address of each registered nurse, health visitor, midwife, nurse dai and
trained dai in the. province.

   2. The Madras Register bears on it the names of 1,409 nurses, 2,688
midwives and 7 dais. The number of nurses and health visitors, etc.,
registered with the Punjab Nurses Registration Council is as follows:—

Nurses 761
Health Visitors 101
Midwives 462
Nurse-dais 331
Trained dais 911
Dais 789

   With the Bombay Council the following numbers are registered: —

Nurses 832
Male Nurses 48
Midwives 1,033
Health Visitors 4

   3. The number of nurses employed in the hospitals is shown in the
following statement:—