Medicine and it was considered that it would also form a centre for
training future medical research workers and for direct research under
the professors of the different subjects who would be appointed. Amongst
these were Acton and Knowles from the Medical Research Department
who took up the duties of professors of Pathology and Protozoology
respectively and whose subsequent work on these subjects is outstanding.
The School conducts research which is financed partly from its own funds
and partly from those of the Indian Research Fund Association. The
importance of the School as a research centre and a centre for training
workers was recognised by the Indian Research Fund Association agreeing
to meet the pay of two professors for a period of years.

   8. The other important centre subsequently developed was the All-
India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health which was opened in 1932.
At this centre also research has been provided for and has been
specially active on the subjects of nutrition, malaria and cholera.


   The Medical Research Department is open to both I. M. S. and
non-I. M. S. medical officers. The cadre consists of 30 posts, 13 of
which are specified and 17 non-specified, although 4 of the latter are at
present in abeyance. Of the 26 effective appointments, 12* are reserved
for I. M. S. officers in India and 1 in Burma. Out of the remaining 13,
2 appointments namely those of Directors, King Institute, Guindy,
Madras, and Pasteur Institute, Shillong, are also reserved for. I. M. S,
officers who were in civil employment on the 10th May 1928. The rest
of the appointments, which are mentioned below, are open to both I. M. S.
and non-I. M. S. officers:—

Assistant Directors. Haffkine Institute, Parel, Bombay 2
Assistant Director, King Institute. Guindy. Madras 1
Appointments under the Indian Research Fund Association 4
Un-specified appointments 4
Total 11


   2. Officers holding un-specified posts are ordinarily attached to Pro-
vincial Institutes under the orders of the Government of India to act as
understudies and to assist in the carrying out of researches financed by
the Indian Research Fund Association. The authority to make appoint-
ments to specified posts is vested in the Government of India, but pro-
vincial laboratory posts are filled in consultation with the Local Govern-
ments concerned. The Indian Research Fund Association is required to
employ and meet the pay and allowances of 8 officers of the Department.

*Director, Central Research Institute, Kasauli 1
Assistant Directors, Central Research Institute, Kasauli 3
Director, Haffkine Institute, Parel, Bombay 1
Director, Pasteur Institute, Coonoor 1
Director, Pasteur Institute, Kasauli 1
Under Indian Research Fund Association 4
Supernumerary Officer 1
Total 12