An important milestone in medical research in India was the creation
of the Indian Research Fund Association by the Governments of India
in 1911. The cost of maintenance of the Central and Provincial Labo-
ratories at the Pasteur Institutes had been met by the Central and Local
Governments concerned or by the Pasteur Institute Association and
researches had been conducted at these centres on their own resources
or from special grants. The cost of the extended cadre of officers of the
Medical Research Department, consisting of those officers not filling
special specified appointments and of the research work conducted by
them both at existing laboratories and at other centres for which provision.
had not been made, had to be met. The formation of the Association
provided a means for doing this under an elastic method of control.

     2. The Government of India gave an annual grant of Rupees five lakhs
to the Association and an additional sum to meet the pay of officers not
filling specified appointments who would be available for whole-time
research work. The Indian Research Fund Association was constituted
as a Local Fund administered by the Government of India. It is now
registered under the Registration of Societies Act (XXI) of 1860 with
the status of a Local Fund not administered by the Government of India.

     3. The affairs of the Association are managed by a Governing Body
which has the following constitution:—

         President.—The Hon'ble Member of the Governor-General's Execu-
tive Council in charge of the Department of Education.
Health and Lands.


         The Secretary to the Government of India in the Department of
Education, Health and Lands.

         The Director-General, Indian Medical Service.

         The Public Health Commissioner with the Government of India.

         The Director, All-India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health,

         The Director, Central Research Institute, Kasauli.

         The Director, School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta.

         The Raja Saheb of Parlakimedi.

         One eminent non-medical scientist elected by the Council of the
Indian Science Congress.

         Two Representatives elected by the Legislative Assembly.

         One Representative elected by the Council of State.

         Three Representatives of Medical Faculties of Universities incor-
porated by law in India who have had scientific training and
experience in research or in public health, elected by such
Medical Faculties.

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