The School of Tropical Medicine is the only centre in India for post-
graduate teaching in tropical diseases. The institution owes its existence
to the efforts of Sir Leonard Rogers, whose work in connection with cholera,
dysentery and other tropical diseases is so well known. The idea of estab-
lishing a research centre for tropical medicine in Calcutta definitely formed
itself in his mind in 1910 and after working indefatigably for nearly 10
years, he achieved his object. The foundation stone of the School was laid
by Lord Carmichael, the then Governor of Bengal and the institute began
to function from 1921. The School has attached to it a special research
hospital for tropical diseases. This was built, equipped and endowed by
public subscription at a cost of Rupees 3¼ lakhs and enables the workers
at the School to carry on clinical research under strictly controlled condi-
tions. This is one of the unique features of the institution and the facilities
that it offers for research and investigation of obscure cases of disease are
available in few other places. In the Out-patient Department attached to
this Hospital patients are examined: and from among these, selection is
made of those suitable for post-graduate teaching and research work.

   2. The Endowment Fund which Sir Leonard Rogers raised has since
1921 frequently come to the rescue of research work at the School when
official funds were not forthcoming and it stood at a sum of just over Rs. 9
lakhs. The Endowment Fund and the grants from the Indian Research
Fund Association are the very core of the research activities of the School.

   3. In addition to the Government of India, the Government of Bengal,
the institution, with its all-India interests and importance, has received
very considerable financial support from other sources, as the following
figures will show.

   The capital cost of the whole scheme was as follows:—

Government of India 5,00,000 =32 per cent.
Indian Research Fund Association 2,00,000 =13 "
Government of Bengal 4,82,853 =31 "
Endowment Fund of the School 3,84,000 =24 "
Total 15,66,853  

   4. The sources of income may be illustrated from the combined budget
of the School and the Carmichael Hospital for Tropical Diseases for 1932-
33. The figures were as follows:—

Government of Bengal 2,80,838 =43 per cent.
Indian Research Fund Association 2,05,829 =32 "
Endowment Fund of the School 1,63,488 =25 "
Total 6,50,155  

Contributed by Colonel R. N. Chopra, C.I.E., K.H.P., I.M.S.