a highly satisfactory operation for the removal of the adult female worm
from the subcutaneous tissues and have enabled investigations to be carried
out in selected villages in the Deccan with the object of destroying the water
cyclops, a minute crustacean which harbours the infective stage of the

     (d) Pharmacology.—Synthetic anti-malarials like Atebrin and plasmo-
quine have been in use for some years but their pharmacology had not been
fully worked out. Researches in this subject are in progress. A consi-
derable amount of work on the pharmacology of indigenous drugs has also
been carried out.

     (e) Nutrition.—The biochemical department is engaged in researches in
nutrition. In addition, basal metabolic rate and other normal physiological
constants are being worked out for Indians.

     Studies in Sprue, Schistosomiasis, Anaemia of Pregnancy and Malaria
have been conducted.


     (a) Plague Vaccine.—Since the founding of this Institute 40 years ago,
41 million doses of Haffkine Plague vaccine have been issued to all parts of
India and the Middle East. The Institute is the largest producer of plague
vaccine and stocks are maintained to meet demands for almost any quantity
at a moment's notice.

      (b) Other vaccines.—Large quantities of other prophylactic vaccines also
are manufactured, e.g., T. A. B., Meningococcal and Cholera vaccines.
More than seven lakhs doses of cholera vaccine alone have been issued
during the year 1937.


     The Institute is the chief Anti-rabic centre for the Presidency. A large
and increasing number of out-patients from the city of Bombay attend daily
for antirabic treatment. In addition to the treatment afforded at the
Institute, a number of "out-centres" have been established in different
parts of the Presidency and the neighbouring Indian States.

     The vaccine adopted is the carbolised fixed virus vaccine put up in
different doses for treatment of five different classes of cases according to the
severity and site of bite. It is stored in the cold storage and issued to
out-centres as required. During the five years 1931-1935, 1,983,680 c. cs.
of anti-rabic vaccine were manufactured and issued and 46,597 cases
treated. Statistics show very low case mortality which may be ascribed
to efficient cauterisation of wounds and to prompt and early treatment
afforded at the many out-centres now established under the decentralisation
scheme for treatment for rabies.


     This department conducts routine bacteriological and pathological investi-
gations for the hospitals in the Presidency employing most recent methods
and modern apparatus. More than 3000 Wassermann Tests are done
yearly in addition to cultural examinations of blood, faeces, sputum, urine,
etc. The section of pathology is at present conducting research on the