At Christmas, the Institute received from Sir Spencer Harcourt
Butler, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I., I.C.S., whose name the Institute bears, a
very fine portrait of himself and an encouraging letter conveying his
good wishes.

     A tea party was arranged on the 22nd November 1935 on the
grounds of this Institute, by the Burma Branch of the Indian Red
Cross Society, in honour of Dr. Ruth Young, Director of the Maternity
and Child Welfare Bureau, Indian Red Cross Society. Dr. Young
visited Burma as external examiner for the Burma Health School
examination, and also did a tour of inspection of the Child Welfare
centres in the Province.

     3. VISITORS.—The following distinguished persons visited the
Institute during the year:—

     The Hon'ble Minister for Education, Local Government and
Public Health and Mrs. Ba Maw.

     Dr. De Sa, M.D., F.C.P.S.

     Dr. R. N. Copper, M.S., F.R.C.S., F.C.P.S.

     Lieutenant-Colonel G. T. Burke, M.D., F.R.C.P., I.M.S., Secretary
of the Indian Medical Council.

     Professor D. B. Blacklock, M.D., D.P.H., D.T.M., Liverpool
School of Tropical Medicine and Mrs. Blacklock.

     Dr. Ruth Young, M.B.E., W.M.S., Director of the Maternity
and Child Welfare Bureau, Indian Red Cross Society, New Delhi.

     Dr. C. C. Turner, Dr. P.H., F.A.P.H.A., Chairman of the Health
Section of the World Federation of Education Associations.

Report of the Bacteriologist, Dr. K. P. Kundu, M.B.
(Cal.), D.B. (Lond.), on the Bacteriological section
for the year 1935.

4. This section consists of three sub-sections:—
Bacteriological laboratory proper,
Media making room, and
Plague laboratory.

     5. Bacteriological Section.—ROUTINE WORK.—Routine work princi-
pally consisted of—

       Bacteriological examination of water for the determination of its
potability, and the examination of water for the presence of cholera

       Examinations for the Customs Department of shaving brushes for
the presence of anthrax bacillus.

       Finding the carbolic acid co-efficient of disinfectants.

       Preparation of bacterial emulsions for agglutination tests.

       Preparation of high titre agglutinating sera.

       Maintenance of stock cultures of bacteria.

       Preparation of cholera vaccine.