Dr. R. C. Robertson, M.C., M.D. (Glas.), M.R.C.P. (Edin.),
D.P.H. (Edin.), F.R.F.P. & S. (Glas.), Member of the League of
Nations Epidemic Commission to China, and Director of Lister
Institute, Shanghai.

        ACTIVITIES OF THE INSTITUTE.—The activities of this Institute are
divided into (1) Teaching, (2) Routine Public Health Laboratory Work,
(3) Investigation and Research, and (4) Public Health Propaganda.

        I. INSTRUCTIONS.—The following courses of instructions were given
during the year:—

           (1) The Government of Burma Qualifying Course for Public
Health Inspectors.

           (2) The Government of Burma Licence in Hygiene Course for
Sub-Assistant Surgeons.

           (3) The Course of Training of Health Visitors.

        Lectures and demonstrations on Hygiene and Public Health were
given to the students of the following Institutions:—

           (1) Medical College of the Rangoon University, and

           (2) Burma Government Medical School.

        A short course of instruction on Hygiene and Public Health was
given to the Post-Graduate Sub-Assistant Surgeons of the Medical
Department from the 5th July to 4th August 1939.

        A special training in anti-malaria measures was given in the month
of August to the Assistant Medical Officer of the Mawchi Mines.

        A course of training in Bacteriology lasting for two months from 1st
June to 31st July 1939, was given to Mr. S. Suvi, M.B., Ch.B. (Leeds),
D.P.H. (Leeds), officiating Assistant District Health Officer, preparatory
to his being appointed as Director of the Vaccine Depôt at Meiktila.

        EXAMINATIONS.—The following examinations were held during the
year at this Institute:—

           (1) Efficiency bar examination of U Ba Yin, Public Health
Inspector, Insein District.

           (2) Efficiency bar examination of U Ba Tin (1), Public Health
Inspector, Prome District.

           (3) Examination of Health Visitors.

           (4) Examination of Post-Graduate Sub-Assistant Surgeons of the
Medical Department on Hygiene and Public Health.

           (5) Examination of the students of the Burma Government
Medical School on Hygiene and Public Health.

           (6) Examination of the students of the Medical College of the
Rangoon University on Hygiene and Public Health.

           (7) Qualifying Examination for Government Licence in Hygiene.

           (8) Government of Burma Qualifying Examination for Public
Health Inspectors.