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Vitamin C contents of some important fruits and vegetables.

No. Name. Vitamin C
contents (in mgs.
per 100 gms.)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
1 Jin-kha-baung-thee 237.5 Whole fruit.
2 Sweet Lime 60.50—90.80 Juice.
3 Guava (semi ripe) 68.60 Pulp.
4 Guava (ripe) 61.40 Do.
5 Guava (green) 38.30 Do.
6 Lemon 40.2—52.8 Juice.
7 Orange 28.08—50.1 Do.
8 Tomato (ripe) 43.90 Do.
9 Tomato (green) 24.0—41.2 Do.
10 Tomato (semi-ripe) 39.71 Do.
11 Lime(ripe) 14.65 Do.
12 Lime (green) 10.85 Do.
13 "Ju" vegetables 11.0 Edible portions.
14 Kyaung-sha-thee 3.0 Do.
15 Pe-zaung-jan 1.0 Do.

G.B.C.P.O.—No. 233, D.P.H., 23-4-31—25—VIII.