Of these 78 deaths, 12 occurred within 24 hours after admission; these being excluded,
the mortality rate would be 155.29 per thousand.

Bowel complaints.

      Out of 181 cases of diarrhœa and dysentery, 50 proved fatal, or 276.24 per thousand.

      Of these deaths, 7 occurred within 24 hours after admission; excluding these, the death-
rate would be reduced to 237.56.


      From cholera there were 41 deaths out of 95 cases, being 431.57 per thousand.

Comparison with
past years.

      Of these 41 deaths, 8 occurred within 6 hours after admission into hospital. If these
be excluded, the death-rate will be reduced to 347.36. The rate contrasts very favorably
with those of the preceding five years, as will be seen from the following table:—

Years. Treated. Deaths to treated.
1866 340 504.7
1867 243 518.5
1868 413 438.2
1869 384 580.7
1870 177 477.5
1871 95 431.5

      The same remark applies to the admissions from cholera among this class of patients
as to the European (Christian) cholera cases: they have been unprecedentedly few.

Comparison be-
tween Christians
and Natives.

Comparative Statement of Deaths to treated per thousand between Christian and Native In-patients.


A.—Mortality rates of fevers, 1871—  
Christians 29.12
Natives 183.52

Bowl complaints.

B.—Mortality rates of dysentery and diarrhœa, 1871—  
Christians 32.78
Natives 276.24


C.—Mortality rates of cholera 1871—  
Christians 321.42
Natives 431.57


      We have in these statistics further evidence of the truth of the observation made in
the reports of previous years, that the most prevalent and gravest diseases of Bengal are very
far more destructive among the Native than among the Christian patients of this hospital.

Race and sex,

Vital Statistics according to Race and Sex.

  Treated. Died. Deaths to treated
per 1,000.
A.—European adults—      
Males 703 32 45.51
Females 109 5 45.87
B.—East Indian adults—      
Males 349 20 57.30
Females 433 22 50.80
C.—Native adults—      
Males 1,396 266 190.54
Females 602 106 176.07

Surgical Operations.

Surgical Operations.

      The number of cases of surgical operations, which remained at the end of 1870, was 13,
and 186 operations of importance were performed during the year under report, making
a total of 199 cases.