26                                                                                               REPORT OF THE

  The foregoing information is given more concisely and clearly in the following statement,
showing the amounts originally received as legacies, endowments, donations, &c., the interest
which has accrued thereon, the amount expended up to the 31st March 1872, and the balance
on the 1st April 1872, as well as the sums available for expenditure, and the annual interest
prepared at my request by the Officiating Principal:―

accrued up
to the 31st
Total. Expended
up to the
31st March
on the 1st
April 1872.
  Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P. Rs. A. P.  
Mr. W. N. Hedger 4,000 0 0 ...... 4,000 0 0 3,439 2 0 560 14 0 560 14 0 ....... Floating
,, G. S. Fagan 2,850 0 0 ...... 2,850 0 0 2,213 2 9 636 13 3 636 13 3 ......
,, Owen John Elias 6,600 0 0 3,908 12 6 10,508 12 6 616 14 0 9,891 14 6 3,291 14 6 286 12 7  
,, J. P. Wise 300 0 0 ...... 300 0 0 263 6 0 36 10 0 36 10 0 ...... Ditto.
„ J. B. Roberts 600 0 0 ...... 600 0 0 ...... 600 0 0 600 0 0 ...... Ditto.
Medical College Hospital ac-
2,100 0 0 555 3 11 2,655 3 11 ...... 2,655 3 11 555 3 11 87 2 0  
Sailor's Fund 599 8 4 99 12 0 699 4 4 50 3 3 649 1 1 49 8 9 22 5 0  
Maharajah of Ulwar 1,000 0 0 67 1 1 1,067 1 1 54 2 0 1,012 15 1 12 15 1 44 9 0  
Gopaul Lall Tagore 10,000 0 0 1,063 4 0 11,063 4 0 992 4 0 10,071 0 0 71 0 0 400 14 0  
Prince Gholam Mahomed 73,800 0 0 3,670 9 0 77,470 9 0 604 0 4 76,866 8 8 3,066 8 8 2,919 6 0  
Hodgson Fund 4,200 0 0 256 9 5 4,456 9 5 150 2 7 4,306 6 10 106 6 10 169 12 0  
Miss Neile 10 0 0 ...... 10 0 0 ...... 10 0 0 10 0 0 .... Ditto.
                             Total 1,06,059 8 4 9,621 3 11 1,15,680 12 3 8,383 4 11 1,07,297 7 4 8,997 15 0 3,930 12 7  

MEDICAL COLLEGE HOSPITAL,                                                                                                                        DAVID B. SMITH, M.D.,
         The 10th June 1872.                                                                                                                                              Offg. Principal, Medical College.


Dated Calcutta, the 8th February 1872.

From—DR. T. E. CHARLES, Obstetric Physician, Medical College, Calcutta

To—DR. NORMAN CHEVERS, Principal, Medical College, Calcutta.

  WITH regard to the education of Native midwives in connection with the Medical
College Hospital, I have to report as follows:—

Difficulty in procuring women.

  1. My previous reports on the subject have placed you in full possession of the fact
relating to the extreme difficulty experienced in procuring women to be trained, and also the
difficulty which arose owing to the women being unsupervised when brought from quiet
country districts, and suddenly finding themselves completely their own masters, in the
midst of new temptations. Neither difficulty has been quite overcome; but in consequence
of the steps which have been taken, I think we are justified in believing that it will be possible
to procure pupils from time to time, and that by dismissing those who show immoral tenden-
cies any great public scandal may be avoided.

Separate house and
matron not pro-

  2. The arrangement sanctioned for a house for these women to live in, presided over by
a paid agent, has not yet come into operation, for two reasons,—(1) no suitable person has
yet been met with; (2) after the women had already provided themselves with lodgings, it
would have excited great opposition to have interfered with the existing arrangements. It
is proposed that new arrivals shall be obliged to live in the intended way, and that any of
the present pupils may have the option of removing also to the house, an amount of pressure
short of compulsion being used to induce them to do so.