The annual interest of the above sums amounts to Rs. 839-0-4, as shown

  Rs. A. P.
Elias' legacy 285 6 8
Medical College Hospital account 86 14 6
Sailors' Fund 22 5 0
Maharajah of Ulwar's donation 44 8 2
Gopal Lall Tagore's legacy 399 14 0
Total 839 0 4

      It will probably be advisable to invest all these sums in Government paper,
and to spend the accumulated and annual interest.

      It is to be observed, however, that much the larger portion of these funds
is already invested, and that the floating deposits now amount in all to a sum
of Rs. 1,283-7-3, as shown below:—

  Rs. A. P.
Fagan's endowment 636 13 3
Wise's legacy 36 10 0
Roberts' endowment 600 0 0
Miss Neil 10 0 0
Total 1,283 7 3

      I would here particularly desire to mention that nothing has been spent on
miscellaneous objects since the year 1862; and that, as far I have yet been
able to discover, the different endowments and legacies were unconditionally
made over for general hospital purposes, and for the greater comfort of the sick.


      The lavatory and latrine arrangements have, on the whole, worked toler-
ably well. Continual repairs, however, seem to be necessary, entailing a con-
siderable expenditure of money. It is to be hoped that in future such expendi-
ture for repairs will neither be so frequent, nor so great, as it has been during
the past year.

Lavatories and

      Really well-trained plumbers seem to be much required. Works of petty
repair connected with the water-pipes and fittings of the lavatories and latrines
have continually to be patched up or re-executed. Even now, although much
money has been spent upon them, the lavatories particularly are not so good as
they should be. These remarks chiefly apply to the east end of the hospital.

      It is important to mention that similar arrangements have lately been car-
ried out in the west wing of the building. These were much required. The
Public Works Department submitted an estimate for these works amounting to
Rs. 6,783. The sanction of Government for so considerable an expendi-
ture was withheld. It was then pointed out that the work might be effected
in a more rough and perhaps less scientific manner than was originally proposed,
at a much lower estimate. The Government then sanctioned an outlay of
Rs. 1,039, and the work has now been done in a substantial manner, and it
promises to add greatly to the cleanliness of this part of the hospital, and to the
comfort of the sick in the lying-in wards. The credit of this work, and the

New lavatories
and latrines.