NATURE OF THE OPERATION. Age. Number of Disease. Disease or Injury. Remained. Performed. Total. Cured. Relieved. Unrelieved. Died. Remaining. Fatal Complications. REMARKS.
Secondary of the thigh 50* 1,127 Comp. com. fracture of tibia, simp. frac. fibula ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Hæmorrhage exhaust. (No P. M.)  
at the knee 25* 1,127   "  "  "  "    " ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Sloughing, septicæmia, enlarge-
ment of liver and spleen.
Performed on account of gangrene.
  "  "  " 35* 1,127 Comp. frac. inner ankle, simp. frac. fibula ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Exhaustion, bed-sores Do. do. do.
of part of foot 22* 1,117 Cont. wound, gangrene, tetanus ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Tetanus  
For disease of shoulder-joint 25* 765b Myeloid tumour of ulna ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Pyæmia, previous amputation Amputation first at elbow, after-
wards end of humerus removed,
finally amputation at shoulder.
  "  of forearm 50 866 Gangrene of hand after fever ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...    
  "          "   50 26 Malignant pustule ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... 1    
  "  of part of hand 65* 771 Abscess of phalangeal articulation ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Diffuse suppuration, exhaustion  
  "  of fingers 22 864 Onychia and ankylosis ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...    
  "          "   29 ...... Badly united fracture ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...    
  "  of hip-joint 40* 44b Medullary cancer of femur and knee ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Shock Death 12 hours after operation.
  "  of thigh 30* 44b    "   "   "    popliteal space ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Cancerous infiltration  
             " 11* 759 Caries of femur and head of tibia ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Suppuration, necrosis, hectic  
             " 25 253 Traumatic aneurism of popliteal space ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...    
  "  of the leg 45 44c Epithelial cancer of leg ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...    
  "         " 25 893 Mycetoma (madura foot) ... 1 1 ... ... ... ... 1    
  "         " ...... 795 Gangrene 1 ... 1 1 ... ... ... ...    
  "  at ankle-joint 28,50 42 Chronic osteo-arthritis ... 2 2 2 ... ... ... ...    
  "  of penis 50 44c Epithelioma ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...   By ecraseur.
REMOVAL OF TUMOURS.                          
            A. Malignant ...... 44a Scirrhus 1 ... 1 1 ... ... ... ...    
(knife) 40,40,35 44c Epithelioma ... 4 4 2 1 ... ... 1   Gluteal region 2, leg 1, foot 1.
(   "   ) 30 44b Medullary cancer ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...   Mamma—knife.
(   "   ) B. Non-malignant 43 824 Fibrous tumour ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...   Thigh.
(   "   )     "    " 60* 360 Myeloid tumour ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Pyæmia, metastatic abscess in liver Lower jaw, which was partly re-
(   "   )    "    " 50 824 Fatty tumour ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...   Head.
(   "   )    "     " 20 824 Enchondroma ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...   Sub-maxillary region.
(   "   )    "    " 22, 24 824 Sebaceous tumour ... 2 2 1 ... ... ... 1   Head 1, leg 1.
(scissors)  "  " 28 606 Warts ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...   Prepuce.
(knife)    "    " 20 496 Condyloma ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...   Perineum and anus.
(   "   )    "    " 21, 27, 26 441 Glandular tumour ... 3 3 2 ... ... ... 1    
(   "   )     "    " 30, 35 824 Serous cystic tumour ... 2 2 2 ... ... ... ...   Neck 1, head 1.
(   "   )    "    " 23 824 Dermoid cyst ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...   Head.
  610 Elephantiasis of scrotum 12 43 55 39 1* ... 8 7 Exhaustion 3, pneumonia 2, shock
1, tetanus 1, fatty heart and abs-
cess of liver 1.
*Partial recurrence.
  25, 25 30 685 Elephantiasis of labia and clitoris ... 3 3 2 ... ... ... 1    
REMOVAL OF CALCULI.                         Lateral operation in all.
by lithotomy 8,31,40 49, 50 570 Vesical caculus ... 5 5 5 ... ... ... ...    
  "  lithotrity 48 ......       "      " ... 1 1 1 ... ... ... ...    
Tracheotomy 28* 293 b Chronic laryngitis ... 1 1 ... ... ... 1 ... Thoracic tumour  
For hernia, opening sac 50, 60 480 e b Strangulated inguinal hernia ... 2 2 1 ... ... 1 ... Exhaustion  
 " " without  "  " 30, 40 ......    "   "   " ... 2 2 1 ... ... 1 ... Sloughing of scrotum cholæmia  
 " " radical cure 24, 26, 46 480 a b Reducible    "   " ... 3 3 2 ... 1* ... ...   Plug operation:1, Wood's 1, Fay-
rer's 1*.
 " fistula in ano 17, 30, 45 490 Fistula in ano ... 3 3 2 1* ... ... ...   Complicated with hæmorrhoids
and ulcers.