Total Dispensary Practice.

Total dispensary
practice during the
years 1869-73.

  Taking the sum (or yearly total) of the dispensary practice in connection with this
hospital, the following table exhibits the relief afforded to poor patients during the past five

Years. Number of
cases treated.
1869 36,973
1870 40,266
1871 43,450
1872 42,213
1873 43,691

    In addition to the above number of in-patients, the following number of persons
diet in hospital during the year, viz.—

European females 17 Hindoo females 28
" child 1 " children 4
East Indian females 90 Other caste males 1
"    " children 10 "    " females 31
Mahomedan males 3 "    " child 1
" females 15    
"child 1 Total 210
Hindoo males 8

    These persons were admitted on the hospital books because they were me guardians or
parents of young children who were patients, or they were young children who could not
be separated from their sick parents. In former returns these persons were returned as cases
of " privation."


Hospital staff.

    Dr. J.Purefoy Colles, officiating junior surgeon, died on the 8th of February, and on
the 25th of October the same post was rendered vacant by the decease of Surgeon-Major
H. C. Cutcliffe, F.R.C.S. By the premature deaths of these officers the service has lost two
of its best surgeons and anatomists, and this institution has been deprived of eminently
zealous and successful teachers.

    Dr. Alexander Crombie assumed charge of the duties of officiating resident surgeon
on the 25th of January, and since the death of Mr. Cutcliffe he has also performed the
duties of junior surgeon.

    Dr. Chevers, principal and ex-officio senior physician, returned from leave to Europe
on private affairs, and resumed charge on the 2nd December.

    The duties of resident physician and resident surgeon have been performed by
Drs. McConnell and Crombie with high ability and most commendable efficiency.

Banboo Ashutoshg Laha.
" Amrito Lall Moonsee.
" Dhurmo Das Bose.
" Jogendra Nath Ghose.

    The native house physicians and house surgeon
named in the margin are young officers remarkably well
qualified for the positions which they hold, and they have
generally performed their duties in a satisfactory manner.

    Mr. Bowser, the hospital steward, and Mr. Knight, the apothecary, have continued to
perform their duties in a highly commendable manner.


    Dr. Charles reports that Mr. Leopold, his house surgeon, has worked well and satisfactorily.
On my return to the hospital I was very glad to find that, although the great need for
additional nurses in three of the native male wards had not been supplied, the establishment
of nurses is, especially as regards Mrs. Bowler, the experienced and indefatigable matron,
and the senior trained. nurses, upon a very efficient footing. It is trusted that before the
next annual report becomes due, the agency of the Lady Canning Memorial Fund for training
nurses will have begun to relieve this hospital of the rather serious inconvenience of receiving
inexperienced nurses, who too often prove to be absolutely unfitted for the duties of their


The following savings were effected during the year under this head:—
  Rs. A. P.
European diets 8,618 2 3
Native diets 2,462 4 6
Lighting 189 9 2
Petty public works 1,020 7 6
Burial and burning fees (Christians and Natives) 415 1 0
Establishment 86 7 3

    Thus the actual expenditure has fallen short of the allowance sanctioned by government
to the amount of Rs. 12,791-15-8.

    On the other hand, under the head of contingencies, Rs. 1,526-2-7 were expended in
excess of the grant. This has been passed by government.

    The only other outlay in excess of the grant was Rs. 503-3-9 in the dispensary.