
No. II.

Annual Return of Out and In-Patients treated at the Calcutta Ophthalmic Hospital, for the year ending
31st December 1873.

N.B. —The numbers refer to the figures distinguishing the diseases in the Nomenclature.

Distinguishing Number. DISEASES OF THE EYE. Remaining from the previous year. New cases treated during the year. Total treated Distinguishing Number. Remaining from the previous Year. New cases admitted during the year. Total treated. DISCHARGED. Remaining under treatment.
Cured. Relieved. Otherwise.
Diseases of the Con-
111 Conjunctivitis 3 1,132 1,135 111 7 73 80 76 1 ... 3
112 catarrhal ophthalmia 3 266 269 112 ... 1 1 1 ... ... ...
113 Pustular " ... 87 87 113 ... 1 1 1 ... ... ...
114 Purulent " ... 58 58 114 ... 3 3 3 ... ... ...
118 Chronic 3 223 226 118 ... 7 7 1 4 ... 2
119 Œdema of the sub conjunctival tissue ... 35 35 119 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
121 Pterygium ... 44 44 121 ... 2 2 1 1 ... ...
Diseases of the Cornea 125 Keratitis ... 119 119 125 2 15 17 8 8 ... 1
126 Chronic interstitial keratitis ... 51 51 126 1 1 2 1 ... ... 1
127 Keratitis with suppuration 1 47 48 127 ... 14 14 8 6 ... ...
128 Ulcer 12 290 302 128 1 43 44 34 4 2 4
129 Opacity 6 294 300 129 4 42 46 12 29 1 4
132 Staphyloma ... 1 1 132 ... 6 6 4 2 ... ...
Diseases of the Scle-
134 Sclerotitis 1 26 27 134 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
135 Staphyloma ... 30 30 135 ... 2 2 2 ... ... ...
Diseases of the Iris 136 Iritis 3 185 188 136 ... 23 23 19 2 ... 2
140 Gohorrhœal ... 2 2 140 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
141 Sequelæ of— ... 26 26 141 ... 31 31 7 15 6 3
Diseases of the Cho-
roid and Retina
143 Choroiditis ... 12 12 143 1 7 8 3 4 1 ...
144 Retinitis ... 25 25 144 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
146 Amaurosis ... 16 16 146 ... 15 15 1 2 12 ...
147 Impaired vision ... 52 52 147 3 25 28 3 17 7 1
148 Muscœ volitantes ... 1 1 148 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Diseases of the
vitreous body
151 Various morbid deposits ... 8 8 151 1 3 4 1 ... 2 1
Diseases of the lens
and its capsules
152 Cataract ... 106 106 152 8 75 83 52 3 25 3
  a.—Hard ... ... ... a 6 20 26 12 5 6 3
  b.—Soft ... ... ... b 8 49 57 36 5 8 8
154 a.—Congenital Cataract ... ... ... 154a 1 4 5 2 ... 2 1
155 Traumatic Cataract ... 7 7 155 ... 5 5 1 3 1 ...
General affections of the eye 156 Glaucoma ... 14 14 156 ... 8 8 ... 3 3 2
158 Total disorganisation of eye from injury ... ... ... 158 ... 1 1 1 ... ... ...
Various defects of
159 Short sight ... 13 13 159 ... 1 1 ... 1 ... ...
162 Hemeralopia ... 51 51 162 1 2 3 ... 1 2 ...
Diseases of the lach-
rymal apparatus
165 Lachrymal obstruction. ... 82 82 165 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
166 Abscess and fistula ... 13 13 166 ... 5 5 3 2 ... ...
Diseases of the eyelids 169 Inflammation ... 21 21 169 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
170 Hordeolum ... 7 7 170 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
171 Abscess in meibomian glands ... 8 8 171 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
173 Entropium ... ... ... 173 ... 1 1 ... 1 ... ...
175 Trichiasis ... 23 23 175 ... 1 1 ... 1 ... ...
177 Tarsal ophthalmia ... 22 22 177 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
179 Cyst of the lids ... 7 7 179 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Diseases within the
180 Abscess in the orbit ... 1 1 180 ... 3 3 1 1 1 ...
183 Non-malignant tumours ... ... ... 183 ... 1 1 ... 1 ... ...
185 Affections of the orbital nerves ... 18 18 185 ... 3 3 2 1 ... ...
Injuries of the eye 1021 Contusion ... 31 31 1021 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1023 " with dislocation of lens ... 4 4 1023 ... 5 5 ... 4 1 ...
1024 " with hæmmorhage into globe ... 2 2 1024 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1025 Foreign bodies in the cornea or con-
... 66 66 1025 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1027 Wound of the eyelid ... 4 4 1027 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1030 "cornea ... 16 16 1030 ... 2 2 2 ... ... ...
1033 Dislocation of the globe ... 6 6 1033 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1034 Wounds and injuries of parts within
the orbit
... 4 4 1034 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1036 Burns and scalds ... 1 1 1036 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Other affections (44) Cancer ... ... ... 44 ... 1 1 ... ... 1 ...
    Total 32 3,557 3,589 ... 44 501 545 298 127 81 39
Page 215 CLASS VI.—SURGICAL OPERATIONS.       Page215              
  152 Extraction of lens ... ... ... ... 7 72 79 60 3 15 1
152A Ditto ditto ... ... ... ... 3 21 24 12 4 3 5
152B Ditto ditto ... ... ... ... 5 48 53 35 5 6 7
129 Ditto ditto ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... 1 ... ...
152B Solution of the lens ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 ... ... ...
147 Ditto ditto ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... 1 ... ...
141 Iridectomy ... ... ... ... ... 2 2 ... 2 ... ...
147 Ditto ... ... ... ... ... 2 2 ... 2 ... ...
152 Ditto ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... 1 ... ...
156 Ditto ... ... ... ... ... 4 4 1 2 ... 1
141 Artificial pupil ... ... ... ... ... 4 4 3 ... ... 1
129 Ditto ditto ... ... ... ... ... 8 8 5 2 ... 1
152 Ditto ditto ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... ... 1 ...
132 For staphyloma ... ... ... ... ... 2 2 2 ... ... ...
135 Ditto ditto ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 ... ... ...
132 Excision of the eye-ball-A partial ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 ... ... ...
158 Ditto ditto ... ... ... ... ... 1 1 1 ... ... ...
166 For fistula lachrymnlis and lachry-
mal obstruction
... ... ... ... ... 1 1 ... 1 ... ...
141 Solution of the lens ... ... ... ... ... 3 3 2 1 ... ...
165 For fistula lachrymalis and lachrymal
... 18 18 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1025 Extraction of foreign bodies ... 46 46 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
121 For pterygium ... 5 5 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
175 For trichiasis ... 8 8 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
  Total ... 77 77 ... 15 175 190 124 25 25 16
  Diseases of the ear.                      
Diseases of the exter-
nal meatus
190 Inflammation—a, acute ... 48 48 190 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Diseases of the mem-
brana tympani
196 Inflammation ... 69 69 196 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
197 Ulceration ... 2 2 197 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Diseases of the inter-
nal ear
205 Deafness—a, functional or nervous ... 30 30 205 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
205 Malformations ... 4 4 205 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
    Grand Total 32 3,710 3,742 ... 44 501 545 298 127 81 39