of the Sukea's Street dispensary, which was made over in February 1874 by Government
to the board of governors of the Mayo Hospital, with an allowance of Rs. 354-13-4 per


     3. The hospitals and dispensaries now kept open and. likely to remain so are—

    1.—Mayo Hospital, accommodates about 120 in-door patients and has an out-door

    2.—Chandney Hospital, has about 15 beds and an out-door department.

    3.—Chitpore Dispensary, out-door patients only.

    4.—Park Street,        ditto        ditto.

    5.—Sukea's Street,     ditto     ditto.


    4. The following is an abstract of the work done during the past year:—

Statement No. XVI.
per mille.
In. Out. Total. Major. Minor.
Mayo Hospital 407 25,797 26,204        
Chandney 592 56,674 57,266 137 137.13 117 5,468
Park Street Dispenary ... ... 33,840 33,840 ..... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Sukea's Street 5 14,516 14,521 1 200.00 ... ... 1,717
Chitpore ... ... 24,784 24,784 ... ... ... .. 19 2,494
Total 1,004 155,611 156,615 138 137.45 136 9,679

    Now that all the institutions in connection with the Mayo Hospital are in full working
order, it is most likely that there will be a considerable increase of patients, both in and out-
door, during the present year.


    5. Leaving out the building fund, the expenditure for the year amounted to
Rs. 42,732-8-4, and the receipts to Rs. 48,709-3-2; but, as the Mayo Hospital was only open
for a small part of the year, and as many subscriptions and other sources of income went to
the building account, these two sums do not truly represent what may be expected in future.

    The permanent sources of income are—

From Government ... ... ... ... ... ... 29,656
Interest on investments ... ... ... ... ... ... 12,744
Baretto's legacy ... ... ... ... ... ... 3,062
Tagore's „ ... ... ... ... ... ... 848
          Total ... 46,310

    The permanent expenditure may be set down at Rs. 48,000 per annum, which will leave
a deficit of upwards of Rs. 2,000 yearly to be made up by private subcriptions.

    It is calculated, too, that considerable sums will periodically be required for repairs and
other extra expenses, which will also have to be met by subscriptions.


YEAR. New cases
Daily sick.
1873 ... ... 9,228 105.69
1874 ... ... 8,858 103.06

    This dispensary, situated.in Garden Reach,establised in 1870, and is now under
class 3, grade II of the revised rules of 1872. Native
Doctor Prankisto Mookerjee has continued in medical charge
throughout the year. From the subjoined statement it
would appear that the attendance has slightly decreased as
compared with the previous year.


    2. This institution is mainly supported by Mr. Thomas Apcar, Government supplying
medicines. In addition to the actual working expenses of the institution, which, during the
year, amounted to Rs. 960, Mr. Apear defrays the expense of keeping the building in which
it is located in thorough repair. Since the dispensary was brought under the new rules in June
last, Government has allowed Rs. 20 per mensem towards its support. No portion of this
grant, however, was drawn during the year.