( 3 )

2nd Resident Surgeon should be made exclusively available to the hospital
with a view to promote the usefulness of this branch of the institution, but he
regrets that he can hold out no hope of the concession being made. With
the amount of extra assistance which is generally available at the General
Hospital, the Surgeon-Superintendent should have no difficulty in so arranging
that full attention shall be given to the dispensary.

      8. Calcutta Hospital Nurses' Institution.—The new home built in memory
of Lady Canning, in close proximity to the General Hospital, has now been
completed, and the Lieutenant-Governor looks forward with much interest to
the increased efficiency in the treatment of the sick, which is to be anticipated
from the training of the hospital nurses, which will now be carried out under
the supervision of the Lady Superintendents who have come out from London
for the purpose.

      9. Campbell Hospital.—The Lieutenant-Governor is aware that much
remains to be done to render this institution well adapted for the instruction
of the students of the Campbell Medical School, but these requirements
can be supplied gradually only, as funds become available. The number
of sick treated in 1874 was unusually high, there having been no less than 7,149
admissions, against 4,870 in the previous year: the result was considerable
crowding and inconvenience. A temporary shed was erected to give more
space, and rules were passed to restrict the admissions to the numbers for
whom there was suitable accommodations. This large shed has, the Lieutenant-
Governor observes, been well constructed, and proves to be an useful addition
to the hospital accommodation. The death-rate throughout the year continued
to be very high, the ratio per thousand being 251, against 288 in the previous

      10. Mayo Hospital.—The new building for this hospital, which has been
completed at a total cost of Rs. 2,46,694, was occupied during the year. The
number of in-door patients, however, was much below that for whom there is
accommodation. The Lieutenant-Governor regrets, too, to observe that at the
same time there has been a great increase of mortality, the death-rate during
the year having been 137.4 per thousand, against 51.8 in 1873. The usefulness
of the institution must he chiefly judged by the number of out-patients treated
at the hospital itself, and at the various dependent dispensaries, which during
the year under review, was no less than 155,611, against 141,352 in 1873. His
Honor trusts that efforts will be made, by increasing the subscription lists, to
render the income of this hospital sufficient for its expenditure.

      11. Howrah General Hospital.—The Lieutenant-Governor is glad to find
that this useful hospital is resorted to by both Europeans and natives in yearly
increasing numbers. Its financial state is said to be tolerably good, but the
Lieutenant-Governor regrets to observe that this appears to be in no measure
due to any support it receives from contributions by native gentlemen. He
trusts that appeals will be made to obtain subscriptions from those among
them who can afford it, and the more so in view of the calls which are made
on the resources of the institution by the large numbers of destitute poor who
are brought to it, and which are said to be increasing. He is confident that
such appeals, if judiciously made, will not be urged in vain. Steps should be
taken to improve the latrine and bath-room arrangements, which are very

Police Hospital.
North Suburban Hospital.
Aratoon Apcar Dispensary.
Alipore Dispensary.
Bhowanipore Dispensary.

      12. The institutions noted on the margin call for no special observations.
The attention of the Commissioner of Police will
be drawn to the necessity of remedying the defects
in the building, and in the arrangement of the
latrines, &c., which are said to be injurious to the
sanitary condition of the Chowkeedars' Hospital, as well as to the statement
made that the menial establishment is wholly inadequate for the maintenance
of proper cleanliness and order. The Lieutenant-Governor notices with
pleasure the large increase of donations and subscriptions to the North