DR. WOODFORD, Superintendent of the Campbell Medical School and Hospital, has
submitted an interesting report, and from it this summary has been compiled.

     1. The following table shows the principal statistical events during the past year as
regards in-patients; out-door patients are not relieved at the hospital:—

Statistics of the

IN-PATIENTS. Remained. Admitted. Total. DISCHARGED. Died. Remaining. REMARKS.
Cured of re-
CHRISTIANS. Europeans Men                  
Eurasians Men 8 60 68 48 2 13 5    
Women 4 60 64 45 2 14 3    
Children 2 69 71 63   6 2    
  Total Christians 14 189 203 156 4 33 10 Average daily number of in-patients.
                    Men 250.56
NATIVES. Mussulmans Men 61 1,051 1,112 738 14 294 66 Women 112.75
Women 32 424 456 320   82 54 Children 25.62
Children 8 69 77 61   8 8    
Hindoos Men 168 3,864 4,032 2,697 31 1,136 168 Total 388.93
Women 54 1,581 1,635 1,025 9 556 45    
Children 19 248 267 181   76 10    
Other Castes Men                  
  Total Natives 342 7,237 7,579 5,022 54 2,152 351    
  Grand Total 356 7,426 7,782 5,178 58 2,185 361    

    2. The total number of in-patients treated during the past year was 7,782 (203
Eurasians and 7,579 natives), and was considerably in excess of the total number treated in
any one year since 1868.

Total number

    3. Of the total treated, 5,178 were cured or relieved, 58 were transferred to the
Dullunda Lunatic Asylum, and 2,185 died.

Disposal of total

    4. The total daily average number of sick, inclusive of males, females, and children,
was 388.93.

Daily average
number of sick.

    5. The mortality during 1875 (slightly in excess of that of 1874) was at the rate .
of 280.77 per mille on total number treated, or, excluding moribunds (those who died within
24 hours of admission), at 254.94 per mille.


    6. The rate per mille of mortality according to the race of the patients (including
moribund cases) was on the total number of each treated as follows:—

Mortality according
to race.

Eurasians 162.56 per mille.
Mussulmans 233.43 " "
Hindoos 297.94 " "

    That the death-rate in this hospital is excessive cannot be doubted, and Dr. Woodford
remarks that the causes for it have been frequently explained and authoritatively accepted
as inevitable. Regarding the mortality during 1875 Dr. Woodford observes:—"Of the total
number of deaths, four-sevenths died within a week after admission; and when it is considered
that chronic diseases, as consumption, sloughing dysentery, chronic diarrhœa, general dropsy,
enlarged spleen, and general debility, account for one half of the total deaths, it must be
conceded that, with a class of cases of such a nature, the very best care and medical treat-
ment would not avail much to save life, and while this institution receives the rejected of
other hospitals, and is the last home of the hopelessly sick of Calcutta, its death-rate must
be very high, and cannot fairly be brought into comparison with the rates of other hospitals
not answering the same purpose." He also observes:—"There are two causes for this high
rate: the one is that during the months of October and November last, when the hospital
was full……….we received only the very worst of the desperate cases seeking admission;
the other may be found in the high mortuary rate that prevailed in the town during