3. The following table exhibits some of the more interesting statistics in connection
with the in-door patients of these two hospitals, according to caste and sex:-

according to race
and class.

  Total treated, Total deaths. Per cent.
treated to
total treated.
Death-rate per
mille of total
Death-rate per
mille of total
of each class
  Men 513 40 25.57 170.21 77.97
MUSSULMANS Women 25 3 1.24 12.76 120.00
  Children 22 8 1.09 34.04 363.63
  Men 1,099 149 54.78 634.04 135.57
HINDOOS Women 222 22 11.06 93.61 99.09
  Children 69 8 3.43 34.04 115.94
  Men 39 4 1.94 17.02 102.56
OTHER CASTES Women 11 .... .54 .... ....
  Children 6 1 .29 4.25 166.66

    4. There was a very marked increase (as it was predicted in last year's report there
would be,) in the number of in-door patients treated in the Mayo Hospital (1,573 against
407 in 1874), but there is a falling off in the numbers treated in the Chandney Hospital
(433 against 592 in 1874)

Great increase of
in-door patients.

      The death-rate of the in-door patients treated in the Mayo and Chandney Hospitals
was lower by nearly 20.00 per mille than that of 1874.

     5.Judging from the returns of the Mayo and Chandney Hospitals, there does not
seem to have been any disease unusually prevalent during 1875. Zymotic diseases, injuries,
and cases requiring surgical interference, have contributed a large proportion of the total
number treated.

Causes of sickness.      There were 47 cases of tetanus treated (in the two hospitals), with a mortality of 26, or
at the rate of 553.19 per mille. Regarding these cases the Surgeon. Superintendent remarks
that they did not follow any operation performed in the hospital.


      There were 138 cases of cholera treated, with a death-rate of 442.02 per mille;
24 cases of choleraic diarrhœa were also treated without the occurrence of a death, and if
they had been entered as cases of cholera, the mortality from this latter disease would have
been reduced to 376.54. It may be observed that in all returns from military hospitals the
use of the term "choleraic diarrhœa" has been abolished (vide paragraph 89 of G. O. C. C.
193, of 3rd August. 1870), and such cases are registered as malignant cholera.

     6. The following table shows the number of out-door patients who received medical
and surgical advice at the Mayo and Chandney Hospitals, and at the branch dispensaries of
the Mayo Hospital:-

Out-door patients.

Park Street
Sukea's Street
  Men 4 303 125 61   493
EUROPEANS Women 1 100 107 21 .... 229
  Children 4 129 228 26 .... 387
  Men 63 3.403 992 80 15 4,553
EURASIANS Women 53 3,458 814 73 9 4,434
  Children 81 10,108 1,111 202 13 11,515
  Total 206 17,501 3,404 463 37 21,611
  Men 5,162 11,644 9,471 5,291 4,639 36,207
MUSSULMANS Women 391 2,832 3,167 491 1,151 8,032
  Children 814 7,912 9,226 1,561 1,404 20,917
  Men 36,364 9,282 3,790 13,181 6,539 69,156
HINDOOS Women 6,406 1,539 751 2,245 1,482 12,423
  Children 5,883 3,396 1,966 3,779 1,811 16,835
  Men 169 671 623 118 .... 1,581
OTHER CASTES Women 46 976 619 104 .... 1,745
  Children 61 1,386 1,673 132 .... 3,252
  Total 55,296 39,638 31,286 26,902 17,026 170,148
  GRAND TOTAL 55,502 57,139 34,690 27,365 17,063 191,759

      7.In the out-door departments of the Mayo and Chandney Hospitals and their
associated dispensaries there has been a great, and a very satisfactory, increase in the total
number of patients treated-191,759 in 1875, against 156,615 in 1874. The number of out-
door patients treated at the Mayo Hospital was more than double what it was in 1874, and
to this is principally due the great increase in the total number of out-patients treated in 1875.

Increase in the number of out-door patients.

     8.One hundred and four major and 92 minor operations were performed in the Mayo
Hospital, with a mortality of 30, or at the rate of 153.06 per mille of those operated on.

     The mortality after amputations has been at the rate of 363.63 per mille.
