little abrasions on the genitals and came here to be fed and nursed during the little life that
remained to them, and I regard it as satisfactory that the place which, in their earlier
ignorance, they looked on with repugnance, should now become their chosen resort."


      11. The total amount expended on the lock hospital and examination depôts during
1875 (inclusive of establishment, diet, and extras, clothing and contingencies, and bazar medi-
cines,) was Rs. 35,199-1-8, or at the rate of Rs. 124-13-1 per patient. Owing to the increase
of the numbers under treatment, there was an absolute rise in the amount expended of
Rs. 4,285, and a fall of Rs. 17-14-6 in the cost of each patient.

Increase of
veneral cases
treated at Gurrun-
hatta Dispensary.

      12. There has been a very considerable increase in the total number of venereal cases
treated in the other civil hospitals and dispensaries in Calcutta, viz. a total of 9,235, against
7,941 in 1874; but on examination of the returns this increase is almost solely due to the
great excess of venereal cases which have been treated in the Gurrunhatta Dispensary, and
to the trifling increase in the numbers returned from the Park Street Dispensary. In the
returns from the other hospitals and dispensaries there have been fewer venereal cases treated
during 1875 than there were during 1874.

European garrison
—amount of
veneral disease in.

      13. The mean strength of the European garrison in Fort William during 1875 was
906, and on this strength there was but 10.3 per cent. of venereal cases. The following table
shows the actual number of venereal cases in garrison during the previous seven years:—

Years. Syphilis. Gonorrhœa.  
1868 89 69  
1869 79 91 Act in April.
1870 49 68  
1871 22 44  
1872 48 69 New regiment not inspected on arrival.
1873 13 56  
1874 13 77  
Average 44.71 67.71  
1875 12 82  

     It is thus seen that venereal disease existed only at a nominal rate amongst the
European soldiers of the garrison during 1875. The 10.3 per cent. of venereal cases was
made up of but 1.32 per cent. of syphilis and 9.05 per cent. of gonorrhœa; and of the
12 cases of syphilis treated, one was a case of the constitutional disease, and the remainder
were local sores.

     Dr. Payne states that before "The Buffs" left Calcutta one of the regimental medical
officers, Dr. Davis, reported as follows:—"There are no syphilis cases under treatment; five
cases of gonorrhœa: and at a careful examination made of the whole regiment only one
gonorrhœl case was detected."

New lock hospital
at Alipore.

     14. There is an early prospect, Dr. Payne reports, of the completion of a new lock
hospital at Alipore. Such a building has been much needed, and its erection is owing
to the warm interest which His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor takes in all measures
calculated to promote the public weal.

Assistance rendered
by the special
police inspectors.

     15. Dr. Payne bears testimony to the assistance rendered by the special police
inspectors, and especially by Surbanundo Roy, in the working of the Act; and he
also speaks in the highest terms of the integrity, skill, and industry of Assistant Surgeons
Mohendro Nath Gupto and Sheikh Mongloo, while the good conduct of the assistants
at Alipore, Bhola Nath Gangoolee and Rajendro Chunder Banerjee, is made the subject
of special mention. To all, through Dr. Payne, my acknowledgments have been conveyed.

I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient servant,

Offg. Secy. to Surg.-Genl., Indian Medl. Dept.

Surgeon-Genl., Indian Medl. Dept,

Dates on which the following returns were received.
Calcutta Medical College 17th February.
Presidency General Hospital Ditto.
Campbell Hospital Ditto.
Police Chowkeedar Hospital Ditto.
North Suburban Hospital 11th March.
Mayo Hospital and its associated Branch  
Dispensaries 8th „
Howrah General Hospital 23rd February.
Sumboo Nath Pundit (Bhowanipore)  
Dispensary 24th April.
Calcutta Hospital Nurses' Institution 3rd May.
Alipore Dispensary 24th April.
Aratoon Apcar (Garden Reach) Dispensary Ditto.
Calcutta Lock Hospitals 14th February.