
          THIS hospital has been under the superintendence of Dr. Woodford during the past
year, and the following summary has been compiled from the annual report submitted by him.


          2. The following table exhibits the principal statistical events of 1876 in connection
with the working of the institution in its in-door department only, as out-door patients are
not treated at it:—

Remained. Admitted. Total. DISCHARGED. Died. Remaining. REMARKS.
Cured or re-lieved. Otherwise.
  Males ... ... 5 80 85 75 1 6 3  
Eurasians ... Females ... ... 3 58 61 46 5 8 2  
  Children ... ... 2 45 47 34 ... ... 11 2  
  Total ... 10 183 193 155 6 25 7  
  Males ... 66 947 1,013 752 8 183 70 Average daily sick.
Mussulmans Females ... ... 54 380 434 328 7 79 20  
  Children ... ... 8 47 55 51 ... ... ... 4 Males ... ... ... 239.15
  Males ... ... 168 3,473 3,641 2,559 22 895 165 Females ... ... ... 101.02
Hindoos Females ... ... 45 1,134 1,179 630 17 449 83 Children   ... 25.24
  Children ... ... 10 115 125 89 ... ... 32 4
Total ... 351 6,096 6,447 4,409 54 1,638 346 Total ... 365.41
GRAND TOTAL ... 361 6,279 6,640 4,564 60 1,663 353  


          3. Quoting Dr. Woodford's remarks, it is found that "admissions during the year
just closed, from all causes, were 6,279; less by 1,147 than those of 1875, and 870 below
1874, but higher than the admissions of any other year since the opening of this hospital in
1867. Of the patients admitted, 183 were Christians, 1,374 Mahomedans, and 4,722 Hindoos."

Daily average sick.

          4. The daily average number of sick was (as shown in the preceding table) 365.41.


          5. During the year 1,663 patients died, and accordingly the mortality was at the rate of
250.45 per mille of total treated. If the moribund cases (those who died within 24 hours of
admission) are excluded from this calculation, the mortality was at the rate of 224.16, or,
excluding both the cholera and moribund cases, was at the rate of 216.56 per mille of total
treated. The death-rates compare favourably with those of 1875, viz. 250.45, against 280.77;
and excluding the moribund cases, 224.16, against 254.94 per mille of total treated. Of the
1,663 deaths, 225 occurred within 24 hours, 825 within a week, 403 within a month, and
210 within three months of admission into hospital.

Improvement in the death-rate.

          6. Regarding this improvement in the death-rate of the past year, Dr. Woodford thus
expresses himself:—"While congratulating myself on, for this institution, such a satisfactory
return, I have to bear in mind that these figures will not only be compared with the returns
of past years of this institution, but will be placed in juxta-position with those of other Native
hospitals of this city, when they will, unless explained, bear most unfavourable comparison.
It is for this reason that I am compelled to go over the same ground year after year, and
show that the mortuary rate of the Campbell Hospital cannot fairly be placed in comparison
with the death-rate of other hospitals not receiving the same class of cases. Pursuing the
subject further, we find that, of the total number admitted, one-eighth were picked up by the
police and brought here. A. large number of these are in the last stage of chronic disease, and
brought here simply to die. In some of the cases thus picked up life was extinct before they
reached the hospital. The rejected sick, forwarded from other hospitals, form about two-
eighths of our total admission; they came principally from the Medical College and Mayo

Increase in the number of those who voluntarily applied for admission.

          7. It is very gratifying, however, to notice that the numbers of those who voluntarily
applied for admission into this hospital have increased very much since 1872. Regarding this
Dr. Woodford writes as follows:—"Those seeking relief of their own accord.—In this class
is comprised five-eighths or more than half our total admissions, and its numbers have much
increased since 1872, when they formed only a fourth of the admitted. It is, however, but fair
to acknowledge that the increase of voluntary cases and proportionate decrease of police
cases have contributed to the more favourable present rate of mortality as compared with
the average rate of the eight preceding years, viz. 273 per mille."