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      14. The Lieutenant-Governor desires to tender his acknowledgments to
Dr. Beatson for his full and excellent report, and for the personal interest
with which he has supervised the general management of the hospitals.
Dr. Cockburn's inspections have been careful and efficient. Drs. Elliot, Bird,
Smith, and Cayley have the satisfaction of knowing that their labours to render
the hospitals under their charge worthy of the confidence of the public have
been eminently successful.

      ORDER.—Ordered that a copy of the Resolution, and of the Report, be
submitted for the information of the Government of India in the Home

      Ordered also that a copy of the Resolution be forwarded to the Surgeon-
General, Indian Medical Department, for information and guidance.

      Ordered also that a copy of the Resolution, and of the Report, be forwarded
to the Chairman of the Corporation for the town of Calcutta, and to the
Commissioner of Police, Calcutta, for information.

                                        By order of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal,

                                                         S. C. BAYLEY,

                                          Secretary to the Government of Bengal.

No. 2860.

      COPY, with a copy of the Report, submitted to the Government of India in
the Home Department for information.

No. 2861.

      COPY forwarded to the Surgeon-General, Indian Medical Department, for
information and guidance.

No. 2862.

      COPY, with a copy of the Report, forwarded to the Chairman of the Corpo-
ration for the town of Calcutta for information.

No. 2863.

      COPY, with a copy of the Report, forwarded to the Commissioner of Police,
Calcutta, for information.

                                        By order of the Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal,

                                                       COLMAN MACAULAY,

                                          Offg. Junior Secy. to the Govt. of Bengal.

The 7th August 1877.

C. E. G.—Reg. No. 11650—9.8.77.