The hospital during the months of August, September, November, and
December was overcrowded. The largest number of cases in hospital on any
given day was 238 on the 9th December: the smallest number 69 on the
17th March and 1st June. The average number during the year was 124.93.
The hospital buildings need repair. A good deal of the sand-plaster on
the walls of the verandah has worn off. The inside of each ward needs to be
properly whitewashed.


          7. The drainage of the grounds slopes westward, running into the kutcha
surface drains, which communicate with the municipal sewers. It would be
better if the present kutcha drains could be converted into pucca ones.


          8. The latrines are in connection with the town sewers, and are always
kept clean by a plentiful supply of water. The pucca houses which are situated
north of the hospital seem to pass their night-soil into a surface drain on
that side of the building; this should be prevented at once on sanitary
grounds. This matter has had attention since Dr. Mackenzie's report was


          9. The following table shows the various diet-scales for the sickin hos-
pital, together with the extras which it was found necessary to give the men
when the diets were insufficient:—

Full. Half. Milk. Spoon.
  S. C. K.   S. C. K.   S. C. K.   S. C. K.
Rice ... ... 0 12 0 Rice ... ... 0 8 0 Atta or ... ... 0 10 0 Rice ... ... 0 8 0
Dhal ... ... 0 2 0 Dhal ... ... 0 2 0 Bread Nob. 1 ... 11b     Milk ... ... 0 4 0
Salt ... ... 0 0 1 Salt ... ... 0 0 1   Fuel ... ... 1 8 0
Mussala ... ... 0 0 2 Mussala ... ... 0 0 2   S. C. K.  
Ghee ... ... 0 0 2 Ghee ... ... 0 0 2   Extra.
Fish ... ... 0 3 0 Fish ... ... 0 2 0 Milk ... ... 0 10 0  
Mutton ... ... 0 3 0 Mutton ... ... 0 2 0 Sugar ... ... 0 1 0 Sugar ... ... 0 1 0
Oil ... ... 0 0 2 Oil ... ... 0 0 2 Fuel ... ... 1 8 0  
Fuel ... ... 1 8 0 Fuel ... ... 1 8 0  
Extra. Extra. Extra.  
Vegetable ... ... 0 6 0 Vegetable ... ... 0 5 0 Atta ... ... 0 2 0  
Milk ... ... 0 6 0  

N.B.—Dhal and ghee for 15 days in the month, and fish, mutton, oil, and vegetables for remaining 15 days

          From the above it appears that in full diet there was a deficiency of about
6 chittacks of vegetables which had to be given as extras, in half diet of
5 chittacks of vegetables, in milk diet of 2 chittacks of flour and 6 chittacks
of milk, and in spoon diet of one chittack of sugar.

Cooking arrangements.

          10. The cooking arrangements of the hospital are of the most primitive
nature, and consist of old-fashioned native choolas, where the maximum
amount of fuel is expended, and then the food is not Cooked better than in
stoves and ovens. A ship's galley or American cooking range should be


Medical charge.

          SINCE the establishment of this hospital in September 1866, Assistant
Surgeon Lucky Naraiu Bose has held independent medical charge. In January
1877, his health failing him, he proceeded on sick leave to his home, and
subsequently died there. Dr. French, the Civil Surgeon of the 24th Pergunnahs,
writes—" He was a good officer and a skilful surgeon. His death was much

          Assistant Surgeon Unnoda Churn Kastogree assumed medical charge on
the 27th January, and has continued up to this date. He has compiled the
sanitary report and returns for the past year. This dispensary, which is ranked
as class III, grade I, has beds available for 32 males and 18 females.


          2. The number of in-door patients treated in 1876 amounted to 635;
during 1877 the number registered was 732; there was consequently an
increase in the attendance. The number of deaths for the same class of patients
amounted to 147 during 1876, whereas the number fell to 118 in 1877.