1877, the deaths having been 64 in 1876 and 77 in 1877. The daily average
of in-patients was 82.

In and out-

      The total number of in-patients at the Mayo Hospital, when compared with
the figures for the previous year, shows an increase of 142, the admissions in
1876 being 1,679 against 1,821 in 1877. At the Chandney Hospital there
were 306 admissions, falling short of the number for the previous year, when
there were 350, by 44.

      The number of out-patients who sought relief was 54,113, about 3,000 less
than last year. Of this decrease 900 were under diarrhœa alone, from which
it may be inferred that that disease was less prevalent in 1877 than in 1876.
There was also a considerable decrease of admission for skin disease. The
daily average of out-patients was 414. On the other hand, the Chandney
Hospital shows an increase in its out-patients of nearly 2,000 as compared
with the preceding year, the total admissions numbered 58,831, giving a
daily average attendance of 442.

Table showing
class and sex of

      The following table shows the class and sex of patients treated at both