This gives a rate per cent. of—

Average Strength Present. Average Strength.
Admissions. Daily Sick. All Deaths. Pensioned. Sick Leave.
59.77 1.97 1.66 3.93 1.81

       Chief admissions from—ague 87, rheumatism (muscular and chronic) 19, diarrhœa 17,
dysentery 30, boil 23, itch 35, old age and debility 12, and injuries 32.

       Deaths in hospital caused by—epilepsy 1, pleuritis 1, congestive apoplexy 1, general
debility 1, cholera 2, dysentery 1, colic (?) 1.

       Deaths out of hospital caused by—dysentery 1, phthisis pulmonalis 1, unknown 1.

       Deputy Surgeon-General W. J. vanSomeren, M.D., inspected this corps on the
20th June 1877 and reports as follows:—

       Sanitary condition of lines. —The average number of occupants in each hut of the lines
has been about 2.85.

condition of

       The drainage is unaltered, and must be regarded as fair. Water standing in the drains,
however, points to an obvious defect in their gradients.

       Sanitary condition of guard-rooms, &c. —The guard-room was clean, but not the prison cells,
which in floors, ceilings, and walls were more or less soiled and stained, or covered with cobwebs
and dust. The Telugu school is a havildar's quarter, at the south-west angle of the northern
section, a low, dark, ill-ventilated chamber, altogether unfit for the purpose to which it is
applied ! 20 children, I was informed, are taught there. The Hindustani and English
schools are a pucka building near, and to the east of, the hospital. The ventilation is good,
provided all the doors and windows are kept open during school hours; but the place might
and should be kept cleaner.

condition of

       Water-supply. —From the Red Hills tank, however, a copious supply is obtained through
taps in both sections of the lines.


       Hospital. —The hospital is clean, and so also is its neighborhood. Its drainage, ventilation
and accommodation have not undergone any change, nor yet has its water-supply, which
continues to be furnished from the Red Hills lake. The latrine is kept in excellent order.
The cook-room is leaky; the dead-house is as clean as a new pin; the average superficial space
enjoyed by each patient has been 18.16 feet and the cubic 1278.2 feet.


13th Regiment Native Infantry.


Arrived from Palaveram, 5th March 1873.

Average strength 713
  Do.    do.    present 592
Admissions 378
Daily sick 18
Deaths in hospital 3
  Do.  out of  do. 3
Pensioned 15
Sick leave 17

       The following return shows the rates of sickness, deaths, and invaliding, as
contrasted with previous years:—

Years. Stations. Rate per Cent. of
Average Strength Present. Average Strength.
Admissions. Daily Sick. All Deaths. Pensioned. Sick Leave.
1873 Madras 99.69 3.68 .73 .36 .98
1874 Do. 48.30 2.87 1.29 4.01 1.68
1875 Do. 66.81 2.75 1.12 1.96 2.24
  Average 71.60 3.10 1.04 2.11 1.63
1876 Madras 63.85 3.04 .84 2.10 2.38