which is cooler than that the sepoy is accustomed to. On the whole the lines appear to me
to be as good as they can be under the existing system.


     Water-supply. —Water is excellent.


     Hospital. —The hospital is very clean, and is surrounded by a wall; the latrine is on the
dry-earth system and is clean and well conserved.

     Surgeon M. Robinson was in medical charge of this detachment and reports
as follows:—

Climate of
the station.

     Climate of the station .—Although the rainfall of last year was slightly in excess of the
year previous, still the supply was far short of the quantity required, and there has consequently
been a scarcity of food.


     Water-supply. — Drinking water is of good quality.

     Sanitary arrangements are satisfactory.


     Diet. —Provisions are excessively dear, famine-prices prevailing. Vegetables are procurable
but not abundant.


     Hospital ventilation. —Well ventilated. No overcrowding.


     General conclusions. —The health of the detachment stationed here has been good. The
smallness of the cases admitted to hospital may be partially accounted for by the fact than the
detachment is changed monthly and that the incoming detachment does not bring its bad cases
of sickness with it.

     Deputy Surgeon-General P. G. FitzGerald, M.D., inspected this detachment on
the 13th November 1876 and reports as under:—

condition of
lines as to

     Sanitary condition of lines as to ventilation, &c. —The ventilation is defective and some of
the rooms are inconveniently crowded by the men's bedding and kit being hung up to the
rafters and hanging about the room. The cook-rooms are all badly ventilated, with the exception
of that for the Mussulmans. The drainage is left very much to nature, the slope of the ground
favoring it.

condition of
the latrine.

     Sanitary condition of the latrine. —The latrine of the new barrack is very defective in its
plan and working.


     Water-supply.— The water is filtered for drinking and is considered to be the best
drinking-water procurable here.


     Conservancy.— As the barracks are in the town of Mysore they partake of the general
sanitary conditions of the town.


     Hospital.— The hospital is a small room, similar in all respects to the barrack-rooms, and
capable of holding four beds.


Average strength 1,658
   Do.      do.     present 1,537
Total admissions 888
Daily sick 45
Deaths in hospital 16
   Do. out of do 7
Pensioned 59
Sick leave 22

     The following return shows the rates of sickness, deaths, and invaliding, as
contrasted with previous years:—

Years. Rate per Cent. of
Average Strength Present. Average Strength.
Admissions. Daily Sick. All Deaths. Pensioned. Sick Leave.
1873 5412 2.16 .48 1.50 1.08
1874 44.49 1.62 .57 2.31 2.36
1875 71.50 2.87 1.09 3.91 2.65
Average 56.70 2.21 .71 2.57 2.03
1876 57.77 2.92 1.38 3.55 1.32