Water-supply. —Good drinking water.


       Hospital. —The hospital is very clean and in excellent repair, well ventilated. The hospital
latrine is large, in good repair, and its sanitation is carefully attended to; both coal-tar and dry
earth are used. No cess-pool or foul drains.


40th Regiment Native Infantry.


Arrived from Saugor, 18th February 1873.

Average strength 709
    Do. do. present 698
Admissions 635
Daily sick 18
Deaths in hospital 16
    Do. out of do. 5
Pensioned 6
Sick leave 10

       The following return shows the rates of sickness, deaths, and invaliding, as
contrasted with previous years:—

Years. Stations. Rate per Cent. of
Average Strength Present. Average Strength.
Admissions. Daily Sick. All Deaths. Pensions. Sick Leave.
1873 Secunderabad 117.10 3.73 1.71 .46 .77
1874 Do. 125.00 4.34 1.47 .14 .88
1875 Do. 87.38 3.31 1.50 .15 1.95
  Average 109.82 3.79 1.56 .25 1.20
1876 Secunderabad 90.97 2.57 2.96 .84 1.41

       Surgeons J. A. W. Spence and E. Ferrand were respectively in medical charge
of this corps during the year, and the latter reports as follows:—

Drainage of
huts, &c.

       Drainage of huts, &c. —Drainage sufficient.


       Water-supply. —Good drinking water; supply ample.


       Sanitary arrangements satisfactory.


       Diet. —There has been dearth of provisions during the latter part of the year; prices were
very high. The men have received compensation for the dearness of rice at the rate of Rupees
2-8-0 to Rupees 6-7-0. The salary of the sepoy is sufficient to support himself, but not enough
to maintain his family as well, which varies in number from 5 to 8 individuals, in consequence
of which most of the men live upon low diet.

Foot soreness.

       Foot soreness. —Foot sores are very numerous. This is due to the direct pressure of the
boot on the foot, socks not being worn.


       Vaccination — The men, women and children are all protected by vaccination.


       Epidemic. —Cholera of an epidemic form prevailed over a great portion of Hyderabad
territories during the past year, but did not appear in the lines till July last. There was an
outbreak of cholera in a detachment of the regiment while on escort duty at Chudderghaut:
12 men attacked, of whom 3 died and the rest recovered. The disease was brought to the lines
by the inhabitants of the city, who frequent the villages, which are close to the lines.


       Hospital ventilation excellent. No overcrowding.


       Hospital drainage. —The latrines were worked on the dry-earth system and have given
every satisfaction.