Chapter I.]



     The characteristic distinction is maintained in the Invaliding of Madras; out of each 100
cases invalided, 32 were attributed to dysentery or liver affection, against 20 in Bengal and 18
in Bombay. On the average of the six years 1871-76, 100 cases of invaliding from the Three
Presidencies were constituted thus:—

  Madras. Bengal. Bombay.
Dysentery 14 32 5 20 4 18
Hepatitis 18 15 14
General debility   18   20   26
Spleen disease.       1   1
Fevers   2   4   8
Respiratory diseases   2   4   3
Heart disease   6   7   4
Palpitation   4   6   3
Epilepsy and brain affections   3   3   3
Mental affections   2   3   3
Phthisis   9   9   7
Rheumatism   4   6   4
Syphilis   6   4   4
All other causes   12   13   16
All causes   100   100   100

     Dysentery and hepatitis cause an increase in the invaliding-rate of Madras, as compared
with that of Bengal and Bombay, of 6 per 1,000, the averages being for Madras 45.71, for
Bengal 39.87, and for Bombay 39.25: dysentery gives in Madras an annual loss per 1,000 of
6.58, in Bengal 1.79, and in Bombay 1.56; and hepatitis and dysentery, taken together, 14.56,
7.96, and 6.89 in the Three Presidencies respectively. The ratios for fever and spleen affections
fall to a minimum, as in the case of the admission-rate for these diseases, and the relative liability
to invaliding is less than one-third in the case of the Army of Madras.

     The extent of invaliding in the Three Presidencies is contrasted in this statement,
which exhibits also the ratio contributed by the chief causes on account of which the soldier
is sent home sick from India:—

Aggregate of the average annnal strengths of the six years, 1871-76.

Army of Bengal. Army of Bombay. Army of Madras.
219,290 63,279 67,451

Invaliding rates, and the Ratio of Liability to the Chief Causes of Invaliding contrasted in the
Three Presidencies, on the results of 1871-76.

PER 1,000.
Bengal. Bombay. Madras. Bengal. Bombay. Madras. Bengal. Bombay. Madras. Total =
Fevers 334 189 44 1.52 2.99 .65 29.46 57.95 12.59 100
Phthisis pulmonalis 809 174 273 3.69 2.75 4.05 35.18 26.21 38.61 100
Rheumatism 506 110 125 2.31 1.74 1.85 39.15 29.49 31.36 100
Syphilis 320 112 191 1.46 1.77 2.83 24.09 29.21 46.70 100
Epilepsy and brain affections 276 77 106 1.25 1.22 1.57 30.94 30.20 38.86 100
Mental affections 272 69 70 1.25 1.09 1.04 36.98 32.25 30.77 100
Heart disease 619 88 170 2.82 1.39 2.52 41.90 20.66 37.44 100
Palpitation 527 80 114 2.40 1.26 1.69 44.86 23.55 31.59 100
Respiratory diseases 331 75 68 1.51 1.18 1.01 40.81 31.89 27.30 100
Dysentery 392 99 444 1.79 1.56 6.58 18.03 15.71 66.26 100
Hepatitis 1,354 337 538 6.17 5.33 7.98 31.67 27.36 40.97 100
Spleen disease 100 28 10 .46 .44 .15 43.81 41.90 14.29 100
General debility 1,790 658 558 8.16 10.40 8.27 30.41 38.76 30.83 100
All other causes 1,114 388 372 5.08 6.13 5.52 30.36 36.64 33.00 100
All causes 8,744 2,484 3,083 39.87 39.25 45.71 31.94 31.44 36.62 100