Chapter III.]



  Admitted per 1,000 of Strength. New Army
  1804-69. 1871-75. of 1858.
Scurvy ·4 ·4 ...
Rheumatism 51·2 52·4 72·4
Venereal diseases 235·4 190·5 270·6
Eye diseases 44·3 32·8 68·6
Abscess and Ulcer 140·7 111·3 184·4
Wounds and Accidents 73·1 94·9 162·3
All other causes 171·6 199·0 227·6
  1638·4 1485·5 3098·4

    The locality as affecting the death-
rates of newly-arrived regiments.

      Making, allowance for the peculiarities of certain years, we may assume that climatic
agencies will not materially differ in their effects in different
years, as regards bodies of the same constitution stationed in
the same locality. It is therefore important to keep up a local
record to serve as an index of the localities which experience has shown to be adapted for, or
unsuited to, the requirements of newly-arrived troops. Umballa, and Bareilly are the
two stations of Bengal which appear to most advantage in the following statement. Umballa
owes its small death-rate in some measure to the removal to the hills of the young men of new
regiments; its proximity to the hill stations affords the opportunity, and the withdrawal of a
large number of lads during the hot months is generally considered expedient. Hazaribagh,
Lucknow, Fyzabad, and Agra have afforded the highest death-rates of the period; but even in
the best stations, it is rare to find a new regiment showing a death-rate below 17 per 1,000.

      In the Bombay and Madras Presidencies, Poona, Bellary, and Bangalore show lower death-
rates than any station of Bengal, excepting Umballa in 1877.

Newly-arrived Regiments in relation to locality—Death-rates in the first year of Indian Service
in different Stations.

Station. Regiment. Season Deaths. Death-rate
per 1,000.
Hazaribagh 63rd Regiment. >1871 16 17·35  
2-22nd „ 1874 32 36·45  
Fyzabad 51st „ 1873 14 15·89  
1-25th „ 1876 25 27·78 2
Lucknow 40th „ 1873 24 27·55 1
13th Hussars. 1874 8 17·98  
Cawnpore 73rd Regiment· 1874 19 21·06 1
Bareilly 1-18th „ 1875 10 11·01 1
Muttra 10th Hussars. 1873 8 16·46  
Agra 65th Regiment. 1871 23 25·00  
4-60th „ 1877 15 20·30 2
Umballa 72nd „ 1871 11 12·14  
4th Bat. Rifle B. 1874 7 8·10  
1-12th Regiment. 1877 4 4·54  
Jullundur 54th „ 1872 20 22·00 17
81st „ 1875 16 18·40 4
Ferozepore 34th „ 1876 16 17·22  
Sialkot 9th Lancers. 1875 12 26·14  
Rawalpindi 70th Regiment 1872 19 21·62 7
2-9th „ 1875 15 17·42  
Poona 56th „ 1871 4 4·45  
68th „ 1872 7 8·02 5
2-7th „ 1874 8 8·21  
2-15th „ 1875 9 12·90 8
2-11th „ 1877 3 3·97 3
Mhow 2-17th „ 1877 7 8·24  
Kamptee 44th „ 1872 19 21·11  
33rd „ 1876 17 19·04 5*
Bellary 48th „ 1872 5 5·45  
Bangalore 14th Hussars. 1876 3 6·96  
Cannanore 89th Regiment. 1871 20 22·03  
43rd „ 1873 18 21·00  
Secunderabad 2-16th „ 1876 14 15·71 3
12th Lancers. 1877 9 19·57 2
Rangoon 67th Regiment. 1873 11 12·74 1

      The statistics of the first 12 months of residence for all regiments and brigades of artillery
which came to India between 1871 and 1876 are aggregated in the tables which follow. They
are given month by month, that the influence of climate on the development of disease in general,
and of special diseases, may be studied.

*On the march, en route to Wellington.