THE late Surgeon-Major Bryden had, in 1880, commenced the compilation
of the Statistics of the European Army of India for the ten-year period 1870-79,
when, in consequence of failing health, he was compelled to go to England on
sick leave. On his departure from India he hoped, after spending a few months
at home, to return with renewed strength, to finish this work, and to continue
his other duties. Unfortunately for science in general, and for Epidemio-
logical Science in India in particular, his hopes were not realized, for the disease
from which he was suffering increased, and he died in November 1880. As it
has fallen to my lot to take Surgeon-Major Bryden's place as Statistical Officer,
I have, to the best of my ability, completed the tables which he commenced.
They contain the aggregate of the Statistics of the European Army of India for
the years 1870-79, and are compiled on exactly the same plan as the tables which
were published in 1873, giving the statistics of the European Army of the
Bengal Presidency for the ten-year period 1860-69.

   In the following introductory pages the experience of the Army of the
Bengal Presidency, and of the Army of India as a whole, during the ten years
1870-79, is compared with that of the preceding ten years. The principal
diseases which contributed to make up the sickness and mortality of the Army
during these ten years are also shortly commented on, and the effect which age
and length of Indian service have on the health of the European soldier in this
country is illustrated by means of a few special tables.

19th June 1882.