XV. Sickness, mortality, and invaliding. —Strength of the regiment:—

mortality, and

Present 601.9
Absent 89.4
Total 691.3
of sick.
From To Admis-
Deaths. Admis-
Deaths. Daily
Head-quarters at Peshawar. 1st January 31st December 488.8 1,133 23 27.83 231.77 4.70 5.69
Detachment at Shabkadar 1st ditto 1st Feb. 90 28 ... .68 86.89 ... .75
4th March 2nd April
2nd July 8th Sep.
„ „ Michni 4th May 4th July 89 30 1 1.45 132.62 4.41 1.63
4th Nov 4th Dec.
„ „ Peshawar 11th „ 21st Nov. 67.4 1 ... 3.16 49.24 ... 4.68
„ „ Cherat 11th April 2nd June 116 4 ... .59 23.82 ... .51
„ „ Durbungie 4th October 13th Nov. 134.9 7 1 18.63 46.33 6.60 13.80
„ „ Abazai 5th Dec. 31st Dec. 85 8 1 1.22 127.55 15.86 1.43
„ „ Ferozepore 16th October 31st „ 89 41 2 3.30 218.65 10.64 3.71
Total ... ... 601.9 1,252 28 31.7 207.97 4.65 5.26
Number of deaths in hospital 28; out of hospital 4; total 32; per cent. of total strength 4.63
„ invalided 27;„ „ 3.90
„ sent on sick leave 50;„ „ 7.23
„ of days spent in hospital 11,602; per admission 9.26; per man of total strength 16.78
„ „ on sick leave 6,000; per man 120 „ „ 8.68
Total temporary loss of service per man of total strength 25.46

     XIX. Vaccination.— The usual vaccinations were carried out amongst the children who
required it in the regiment. The recruits enlisted having all been inocculated did not
appear to require it.


     XX. Recommendations.— Beyond the recommendations made about timely sulphur fumi-
gations, careful scrapings and plastering of buildings before the cholera appeared, none others
of any importance were made.


     XXI. Special observations.— It appeared that from some cause or other, during and after
the cholera epidemic, the general illness due to malarious fevers so common at this time of the
year was considerably less than at the corresponding season of last year. This will be seen
by the following:—

Special observ-

1875. Total treated. 1876. Total treated.
September 226 September 192
October 373 October 225
November 332 November 225
December 186 December 121
Total treated for the four months of 1875 ... 1,117
Total treated for the four months of 1876 ... 763

     The absence of cases of pneumonia was remarkable during the end of the year, and although
cases of fever were complicated with bronchitis, this bronchitis was never of a very severe
type. The range of the thermometer was according to the hospital records much greater in the
last three months of 1876, than in the corresponding three months of 1875. The average of
all highest for the three months of 1875 being 73.30, and that of the same period of 1876,
80.6. The average of all lowest for 1875 was 63.0. The average of all lowest for 1876 was
58.6. This would give an average range of temperature for these months in 1875 of 10.30,
and in 1876 of 22.0. This would look as if the range of temperature had not much to do with
the production of malarious fevers and pneumonia and bronchitis in the end of the year at
Peshawar, or, at least, that unassisted by other influences, it could not induce these diseases to
any great extent. I believe some persons are of opinion that during the year when cholera
is prevalent, malarious fevers and accompanying diseases are more than usually prevalent.
This One instance, however, is so far evidence against this belief. It must not, however, be
forgotten that the regiment had then been three years at Peshawar, and many of the men may
have been more or less acclimatized, particularly as they had been two years and a half at
Nowshera previously. The number of men in hospital, however, in the two newly-arrived
regiments, the 7th Native Infantry and 14th Sikhs, was not any thing like that which had
been admitted in other regiments in previous seasons.