TROOPS AT DERA ISMAIL KHAN. 3rd P. L. F. Battery Dera Ismail Khan. Nil. 81.2 5.7 6 209 215 1 ... ... 7.02 257.39 .46 1.23 .95 6 2 63 ... 102 1 ... ... 165 3rd P. L. F. Batty. Detachment at Zam (31.5) from 15th
to 27th March.
3rd Regiment, P. C. Ditto At Dera Ismail Khan from
1st January to 16th
March. Returned to
Dera Ismail Khan from
Zam on the 20th October
and then marched to
the Imperial Assemblage
at Delhi.
394.5 17.5 24 691 715 3 ... ... 4.44 175.16 .42 .76 .61 10 8 222 ... 270 3 ... ... 492 3rd P. C. Detachments stationed at frontier
out-posts. A detachment (85) was
stationed at Dera Ismail Khan
from 20th October to 31st Decem-
2nd Regiment, P. I. Ditto Nil. 602.6 21.3 26 827 853 2 ... 1 3.53 137.24 .23 .33 .41 20 4 324 1 401 2 ... ... 725 2nd P. I. Detachments at frontier out-posts.
2nd Regiment S. I. Ditto At Dera Ismail Khan
from 1st January to 14th
March. At Zam outpost
from 15th March to 28th
Ditto. At Dera Ismail
Khan from 29th March
to 19th October, when
the regiment marched
for Delhi.
625.3 24.7 31 943 974 1 ... 5 3.95 150.81 .10 .16 .81 21 10 464 3 282 3 ... ... 746 2nd S. I. Ditto ditto.
  TOTALS AND AVERAGES OF THE TROOPS AT DERA ISMAIL KHAN 1,703.6 69.2 87 2,670 2,757 7 ... 6 4.06 156.72 .25 .41 .63 57 24 1,073 4 1,055 9 ... ... 2,128  
1st Regiment, P.C. Rajanpur Nil. 359 18.5 14 649 663 7 ... 3 5.15 180.80 1.05 1.95 2.08 4 2 152 3 325 7 ... ... 477 1st P. C. Detachments at frontier out-posts.
Corps of Guides Mardan Nil. 803.7 38.3 64 1,101 1,165 7 ... 10 4.76 136.99 .60 .87 1.55 53 16 597 15 499 2 1 ... 1,097 Corps of Guides Detachments at Abbottabad,
Lahore, Peshawar, and Cherat.
TOTALS AND AVERAGES OF THE PUNJAB FRONTIER FORCE 10,129.6 422.3 493 15,878 16,371 122 1 56 4.17 156.75 .74 1.21 1.48 319 209 6,645 102 5,614 77 1 ... 12,260  
TOTALS AND AVERAGES OF THE WHOLE ARMY 53,841.2 2,103.2 2,084 75,626 77,710 555 13 354 3.91 140.46 .71 1.05 1.47 1,876 1,185 44,017 677 18,356 240 297 5 62,670  
3rd Madras Light
Sangor Nil. 252.1 8.8 9 315 324 4 ... ... 3.49 124.95 1.23 1.58 1.38 ... 7 24 ... 250 4 21 ... 295 3rd Madras L. C.  
5th Madras Native
...... ...... 690.4 14. 16 614 630 5 ... 4 2.03 88.93 .79 .72 1.25 17 8 416 6 230 3 53 ... 699 5th Madras N. I.
11th Madras Native
Nagode ...... 664.3 10.5 5 661 666 2 ... 4 1.58 99.50 .30 .30 .85 22 4 414 4 235 2 44 ... 693 11th ditto
16th Madras Native
Jubbulpore ...... 667.9 12.8 10 388 398 1 ... ... 1.91 58.09 .25 .15 .14 28 ... 347 1 262 ... 84 ... 693 16th ditto
20th Madras Native
Infantry, Head-
Quarters, and L. W.
Banda ..... 366.2 23.6 18 799 817 12 1 1 6.44 218.18 1.47 3.55 3.79 18 3 197 10 114 1 54 3 365 20th ditto, L. W.
20th Madras Native
Infantry, R.W.
Nowgong ...... 256. 5.2 8 261 269 3 1 ... 2.03 101.95 1.12 1.56 1.31 8 3 174 4 105 ... 32 ... 311 20th ditto, R. W.
TOTALS AND AVERAGES OF THE MADRAS REGIMENTS 2,896.9 74.9 66 3,038 3,104 27 2 9 2.59 104.87 .87 1.00 1.23 93 25 1,572 25 1,196 10 288 ... 3,056