Scientific Memoirs by Medical Officers of the Army of India.

other hand short filaments arise as the result of similar processes of longitu-
dinal division and divergence in concavo-convex bodies, they will necessarily
be of bilateral type.

    But filaments of either type may also very possibly arise secondarily as the
result of processes of torsion at the points of union of adjacent commas, so that
in any case it must remain uncertain how far the characters presented by any
given filament ought to be regarded as of primary developmental value, or as
mere indices to previous exposure to certain external influences.

    Microscopic examinations of Intestinal, Splenic, Hepatic, and Renal tissues
were only carried out in one or two instances. The number was much too
limited to permit of any definite conclusions being arrived at, but in no case did
there appear to be any evidence of the presence of special schizomycete orga-
nisms in the substance of the tissues.

25th September 1885.