Medical Officers of the Army of India.



   22. Vernonia cinerea Less; Hook. f., Flor. Brit, Ind. iii, 233. Serratula
cinerea Roxb., Flor. Ind. iii, 406.

      Ameni, (Hume!); Anderut, (Alcock!).

   23. Ageratum conyzoides L.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iii, 243. A. cordifolium
Roxb., Flor. Ind. iii; 415.

      Ameni, (Hume!); Anderut, (Alcock!).

   24. Wedelia calendulacea Less.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iii, 306. Verbesina
calendulacea Roxb., Flor. Ind. iii, 440.

      Anderut, (Alcock!).

   25. Wedelia biflora DC.; Hook. f., Fier. Brit. Ind. iii, 306. Verbesina biflora
Roxb., Flor. Ind. iii, 440.

      Cardamum, (Hume!); Anderut, (Alcock!).

   26. Crepis acaulis Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iii, 396. Prenanthes acaulis Roxb.
Flor. Ind.
iii., 403.

      Kiltan, (Alcock!).

   27. Launea pinnatifida Cass.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iii, 416.

   Betrapar, (Hume!). This is probably what Dr. Roxburgh means by his
Prenanthes asplenifolia (Flor. Ind. iii, 404), at least partly and as re-
gards the plant "common on the sand-hills near the sea along the
Coromandel Coast" (p. 405).


   28. Scaevola Koenigii Vahl; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iii, 421. S. Taccada
Roxb., Flor. Ind. i, 527.

      Betrapar, (Hume!); Kiltan, (Alcock!).


   29. Plumbago zeylanica, L.; Roxb., Flor. Ind. i, 462. Hook. f., Flor. Brit.
Ind. iii, 480.

   Ameni, (Hume!).


   30. Calotropis gigantea R. Br.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv, 17. Asclepias
gigantea Roxb., Flor. Ind. ii, 3o.

      Cardamum, (Hume!).

   31. Cynanchum alatum W. & A.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv, 23.

   Kiltan, (Alcock!). The Laccadive plant agrees in every detail with Nil-
ghiri specimens.

   32. Tylophora asthmatica W. & A.: Hook. f, Flor. Brit. Ind. iv, 45. Asclepias
asthmatica, Roxb., Flor. Ind. ii, 33.

   Cardamum, (Hume!); Anderut, (Alcock!).


   33. Tournefortia argentea L. f.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv, 145.

   Betrapar, (Hume!); Kiltan, (Alcock!).


   34. Ipomœa grandiflora Lamk.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv, 198.

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