Scientific Memoirs by


    Betrapar, (Hume!). This is not the same plant as Dr. Roxburgh's I. gran-
diflora, which is a variety of I. bona-nox of Linnæus. I. bona-nox is the
true Moon-flower, a plant originally introduced from America. I. grandi-
flora, on the other hand, is a native of the old world, which appears in
America only as an introduced plant.

    35. Ipomœa Batatas Lamk.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv, 202. Convolvulus
Batatas Roxb., Flor. Ind. i, 483.

       Ameni, (Hume); Anderut, (Alcock); cultivated. The Sweet Potato.

    36. Ipomœa biloba Forsk.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv, 212. Convolvulus
Pes-capræ Roxb., Flor. Ind. i, 486.

       Betrapar, (Hume!).


    37. Physalis minima L.; Roxb., Flor Ind. i, 563; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv,

       Anderut, (Alcock!).

    38. Physalis peruviana L.; Roxb., Flor. Ind. i, 562; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind.
iv, 238.

       Ameni, (Hume); Bungaroo, (Hume!); cultivated. The Winter-cherry or

    39. Datura fastuosa L.; Roxb., Flor. Ind. i, 561; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv.

       Ameni, (Hume); Anderut, (Alcock).


    40. Herpestis Monniera H. B. & K.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv, 272.
Gratiola Monniera Roxb., Flor. Ind. i, 141.

       Anderut, (Alcock!).


    41. Barleria Prionitis L.; Roxb., Flor. Ind. iii, 36; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv,

       Ameni, (Hume!).

    42. Barleria cristata L.; Roxb., Flor. Ind. iii, 37; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind.
iv, 488.

       Ameni, ( Hume!).

    43. Rungia parviflora Nees VAR. pectinata Clarke; Hook. f., Flor. Brit, Ind.
iv, 550. Justicia pectinata Roxb., Flor. Ind. i, 133.

       Ameni, (Hume!).

    44. Peristrophe bicalyculata Nees; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind, iv, 554. Justicia
bicalyculata Roxb., Flor. Ind. i, 126.

       Ameni, (Hume!).


    45. Stachytarpheta indica Vahl.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. In iv, 564.

       Anderut, (Alcock!).

    46. Premna integrifolia L.; Hook. f., Flor. Brit. Ind. iv, 574. P. spinosa Roxb.,
Flor .. Ind. iii, 77.

       Cardamum, (Hume!); forming thickets.