Scientific Memoirs by

in 15 C.C. of distilled water. Four fowls—(a ), (b ), (c ) and (d )—each received
3 C.C. of the solution, or 0.3 gramme of dry antivenene, during the course of
the day:—

   (a ) On the following morning, 13 hours after the injection of the last dose
of antivenene, a minimal lethal dose of cobra-venom was administered.

   Hardly any symptoms of intoxication were ever perceptible, and complete
recovery soon occurred.

   (b ) A minimal lethal dose of venom was administered 37 hours after the
last dose of antivenene. Decided symptoms of intoxication appeared seven
hours later. On the following day they became profound, and death occurred
30 hours after the injection of the venom.

   (c ) A minimal lethal dose of venom was administered 61 hours after the
last injection of antivenene. Symptoms of intoxication appeared, but never
became profound, and recovery occurred.

   (d ) A minimal lethal dose of venom was administered 85 hours after the
last injection of antivenene.

   Symptoms of intoxication appeared, and rapidly became profound, but after
they had remained so for 24 hours recovery gradually set in.

   Experiment XV. —Four fowls (a ), (b ), (c )>and (d ) were taken and each
was treated with 3 C.C. of solution of antivenene, the treatment not being
simultaneous, but on four successive days. On the fifth day after the beginning
of the experiment, a minimal lethal dose of venom was simultaneously adminis-
tered to each, that is, 120 hours after (a ), 96 hours after (b ), 72 hours after (c ),
and 48 hours after (d ), had been treated with the antidote, with the following

   (a ) Decided symptoms of intoxication occurred, but never became pro-

   (b ) No symptoms whatever, save slight drowsiness, were ever perceptible.

   (c ) No symptoms, save temporary dulness, occurred.

   (d ) Symptoms were late in making their appearance, but for two days were
profound, after which recovery occurred.

   Experiment XVI. —A fowl was treated with 2.5 C.C. of solution of anti-
venene, and 9 days later with a minimal lethal dose of cobra-venom.

   The ordinary symptoms of intoxication appeared, and death occurred about
5½ hours after the administration of the venom.

   Experiment XVII. —A fowl was treated with 2.5 C.C. of solution of anti-
venene, and 9 days later with a double minimal lethal dose of cobra-venom.

   The ordinary symptoms of intoxication appeared, and death occurred
3¾ hours after the administration of the venom.

   This series includes a total of 23 cases in which antivenene was administered
either before, along with, or subsequent to, the administration of lethal doses of