Medical Officers of the Army of India.

profound, On the third day they were less marked, and on the fourth complete
recovery seemed to have taken place.

   Experiment VIII. —A fowl received 0.2 gramme of dried antivenene in 2
C.C. of water during the course of one day, and on the following morning a
double minimal lethal dose of cobra-venom.

   Symptoms of intoxication appeared 4 hours after the administration of the
venom, and death occurred 8 hours later.


   As previous experience had shown that the administration of antivenene
antecedently to that of venom certainly gave the best results, in all the
experiments which have as yet been conducted with this supply of the antidote,
this has been the procedure which has been followed.

   Experiment I. —A fowl received 3 C.C. of antivenene during the course
of one day, and on the following morning 0.001 gramme of cobra-venom, of
which 0.00075 gramme constituted a minimal lethal dose.

   Symptoms of intoxication were late in appearing. They never became
profound, and recovery soon took place.

   Experiment II. —A fowl received 3 C.C. of antivenene during the course
of one day, and three days later 0.001 gramme of cobra-venom of the same
lethal value as that employed in the previous experiment.

   Symptoms of intoxication were late in appearing, but progressed steadily
onwards to a fatal termination about 17 hours after the administration of the

   Experiment III .—A fowl received 3 C.C. of antivenene during the course
of one day, and four days later 0.001 gramme of the cobra-venom which was
employed in the previous experiments.

   Symptoms of intoxication came on with abnormal rapidity; general con-
vulsions began to occur 21 minutes after the injection of the venom, and death
occurred 15 minutes later.

   Experiment IV. —A fowl received 3 C.C. of antivenene during the course
of one day, and five days later 0.001 gramme of cobra-venom of the same
strength as that employed in the previous experiments.

   Symptoms of intoxication appeared 4 hours after the administration of the
venom, and terminated fatally 8½ hours later.

   Experiment V. —A fowl received 12 C.C. of antivenene during the course
of three successive weeks.

   Nine days after the last date on which antivenene had been administered
it was treated with 0.001 gramme of cobra-venom of the same lethal quality as
that which was employed in the previous four experiments. Symptoms of

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