Plate II.

Sclerotial blights occurring in India, and Mites which are sometimes associated
with them.

FIG. 1. Sclerotia of blight affecting tubers of potato x l0
" 2. Mites ♀ which assist the fungal mycelium in attaining access to
the interior of the tubers
x 50
" 3. Portion of the leg of such a mite x 150
" 4. Another form of mite, probably the male of the same species,
and occurring along with the large females
x 50
" 5. Details of structure x 150
" 6. Section of part of a sclerotium of the sclerotial blight of Ficus
x 400
" 7. Portion of the under-part of a leaf of a Begonia ; viewed
from above, showing mycelium of the sclerotial blight of
Ficus stipulata entering a substomatic space
x 150
" 8. Vertical section of a leaf of Begonia ; showing the mycelium of
the sclerotial blight of Ficus stipulata spread out over the
inferior epidermis and passing inwards between the large
hypodermal cells into the chlorophyll-containing tissues
x 150
" 9. Section of the superior epidermis and hypodermal cells of a leaf
of Begonia in a later stage of disease; showing mycelial
filaments entering the hypodermal cells from the palisade-
x 150
" 10. Blighted leaves of Ficus stipulota bearing sclerotia Nat. size.
" 11. Section of leaf of Begonia infected by sclerotial blight x 150