Medical Officers of the Army of India


TABLE 1.—General Table of Results of section of Distal Pinnules of
Mimosa pudica

No. of
22 Leaf in full sunshine; section involving pinnules only .—Spreading action in the
pinnules of the cut pinna; action in the secondary pulvinus, and commencing
action in the pinnules of the distal pinna of the same side of the leaf;
action in the primary pulvinus; complete action in the remaining pinnæ;
action in the primary pulvinus of the next leaf above; complete action in
three of its pinnæ, and incomplete action in the fourth one; no further result.
  Experiments 10 to 22 were all conducted at an early hour on one morning, and very
clearly show the effect of protection from, or exposure to, conditions favouring
loss of fluid by evaporation. The morning was that of the 30th December
1886. It was mild and hazy, quite still, and with a drenching dew
23 Leaf not yet reached by the sunshine; section involving tips of pinnules only .—
Action in the first two or three pairs of pinnules; action in the primary pulvi-
nus; progressive, slow, centripetal action in the pinnules of the cut pinna;
imperfect action in the pinnules of the other pinnæ; no further result.
24 Leaf not yet reached by the sunshine; section involving the tip of the secondary
—Spreading, centripetal action in the pinnules of the cut pinna;s action
in the primary pulvinus; imperfect action in the pinnules of the remaining
25 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine; section involving the tips of the pinnules only .—
Complete, spreading action in that leaf and in the leaf next above.
26 Leaf and section as in No. 25 .—Complete, spreading action in that leaf; no further
27 Leaf and section as in No. 25 .—Complete, spreading action in that leaf, in one
below, and in one above it.
28 Leaf and section as in No. 25 .—Complete, spreading action in that leaf and in one
leaf below it.
29 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine; section involving the tip of the secondary
—Complete, spreading action in that leaf; no further result.
30 Section involving the tip of the secondary petiole .—Complete action in the leaf;
no further results.
31 Section and results as in the previous case.
32 A two-pinnaed leaf; section involving the tip of the secondary petiole .—Complete,
spreading action in that pinna; nearly complete action in the other one; no
further result.