Scientific Memoirs by

TABLE I.—General Table of Results of section of Distal Pinnules of
Mimosa pudica—continued

No. of
33 Leaf not yet reached by the sunshine .—Action of two or three pairs of pinnules;
action in primary pulvinus; slow, partial, centripetal action in the cut pinna;
slow, centrifugal action in the rest of the pinnæ; no further result.
34 Leaf in shade .—Very slow, complete, centripetal action in the cut pinna; action in
the primary pulvinus when the action in the cut pinna had almost reached the
base; very slow, partial action in the other pinnæ; no further result.
35 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine .—Complete, spreading action in the cut leaf;
partial action in one beneath; complete action in the first leaf above; action
in the primary pulvinus of the third leaf above; very slow, partial action in its
pinnæ; no further results.
36 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine .—Complete, spreading action in the cut leaf; no
further result.
37 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine .—Result as in the previous case.
38 Ditto                    Ditto.
39 Ditto                   Ditto.
40 Leaf in shade .—Partial action in the cut pinna; slight action in the primary
pulvinus; no further result.
41 Leaf in shade .—Action in the distal two-thirds of the cut pinna; no further
42 Leaf in shade .—Action in the cut pinnules; action in the primary pulvinus; slow,
progressive, centripetal action in the pinnules in the distal third of the cut
pinna; no further result.
43 Leaf in shade .—Slow, progressive, complete action in the cut pinna; no further
43 Leaf in shade .—Complete, progressive action in the cut pinna; long pause;
action in the primary pulvinus; no further result.
44 Leaf in shade .—Action in the cut pinna; action in the primary pulvinus, and
extreme depression; partial action in the remaining pinnæ; no further
45 Leaf in shade .—Action in the cut pinna; action in the primary pulvinus; no
further result.