Medical Officers of the Army of India.


TABLE I.—General Table of Results of section of Distal Pinnules of
Mimosa pudica

No of
46 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine .—Complete, progressive action in the cut pinna;
action in the primary pulvinus; complete action in the remaining pinnæ; no
further result.
47 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine .—Results as in the previous case.
48 Ditto                     Ditto.
49 Ditto                     Ditto.
50 Ditto                     Ditto.
51 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine .—Complete action in the cut pinna; commencing
action in the other distal pinna; action in the primary pulvinus; complete
action in the remaining pinnæ.
52 Leaf in shade .—Partial action in the cut pinna; full action in the primary pulvi-
nus; no further result.
53 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine .—Complete action throughout the entire leaf; no
further result.
54 Leaf in the shade and exposed to rain .—Very slow and partial action in the cut
pinna; action in the primary pulvinus; no further result.
55 Conditions as in the previous case .—Results as in the previous case.
56 Conditions as in No. 54 .—Action in the cut pinnules; action in the primary pul-
vinus; long pause; very slow and partial action in the pinnules of the distal
half of the cut pinna; no further result.
56 Conditions as in No. 54 .—Results as in the previous case.
57 Conditions as in No. 54; tip of one pinnule only cut .—Slow, progressive, well-
developed action in the pinnules in the distal half of the cut side of the pinna;
very feeble, partial action in a few of the distal pinnules of the opposite side
of the cut pinna; no further result.
57 Conditions as in the previous case .—Results as in the previous case.
58 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine .—Partial action throughout the entire leaf; no
further result.
59 Leaf exposed to direct sunshine .—Complete action throughout the entire leaf; no
further result.