Medical Officers of the Army of India.


TABLE VII.—Showing Results of the Application of Heat to the tips of Distal
Pinnules when the Plants are dry.

No. of
  All the experiments were conducted between 8 and 9 o'clock A.M. of the 8th
April. The previous night had been a still cloudy one and little dew had
fallen. The morning was still and cloudy, and the sun had not as yet
emerged. The brake of Mimosa was perfectly dry, but the leaves in a state
of fullest expansion No rain had fallen for more than a week previous to
the date of experiment.
1 Complete action in that leaf; very long pause; complete action in the first leaf
above; no further result.
2 Action in the affected pinna; convergence of the secondary pulvini; action
throughout the other pinnæ; action in the primary pulvinus; pause; action in
one leaf above.
3 Commencing action in the affected pinna; action in the primary pulvinus; com-
plete action throughout the rest of the leaf; no further result.
4 Complete action in that leaf, the primary pulvinus acting immediately after the
affected pinna; long pause; action of the primary pulvinus of the leaf next
below; no further result.
5 Complete action in the affected leaf; long pause; complete action in the first leaf
above and the second leaf below; long pause; complete but very slow action
in the second and terminal leaf above; no further result.
6 Action throughout the affected leaf, but depression mechanically obstructed, and
pinnular action, in all save the primarily affected pinna, incomplete; long
pause; action in the primary pulvinus of the second leaf above; pause;
action in one of its secondary pulvini; partial action throughout the greater
part of the pinnæ; long pause; action in the pinnules of one of the distal
pinnæ of the first leaf above the primarily affected one; pause; action in its
primary pulvinus and remaining pinnæ; no further result.
7 Slow, almost complete action in the affected leaf; no further result.
8 Slow, almost complete action in the affected leaf; long pause; action in the first
leaf above, commencing in the pinnæ and ultimately complete; very long
pause; complete action in the second leaf above, commencing in the primary
pulvinus; no further result.
9 Complete action in the affected leaf; action of the primary pulvinus, and incomplete
action of the pinnæ of the first leaf above; action in the primary pulvinus,
and incomplete action of the pinnæ of the first leaf below; very long pause;
incomplete action in the second and terminal leaf above; no further result.
10 Complete action in the affected leaf; no further result.

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